Lost ones

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You're relieved that soap had finally got whatever was troubling him off his chest, you could finally move on and look at him without your chest tensing up in fear of what he might say, or not say. You both continued your journey to meet with Ghost in the church. Taking down shadows to clear a path to him. Once you reached the church an onslaught of Shadows began to move in on your location. All three of you began to take down the Shadows with what ammo you had left. They didn't stand a chance against the elite set of skills each one of you had. Ghosts raw strength, ghosts agile movements and your quick reaction speeds allowed you all to progress through the Shadows.

"There's a truck up ahead, headlights are on, get over there and let's get the fuck out of here." Ghost spoke over the coms.

You all progressed to the truck, Ghost took the wheel soap in the passenger seat and you in the back. As you watched Ghost jump start the car Soap shouted in your direction.

"Mav! Get your head down." A bullet wizzed passed your face as you ducked to allow Soap to take out the men shooting at you.


He just nodded his head and smiled slightly. You couldn't help but smile back even in the dark situation you three was in he still managed to put a smile on your face.


"Where are we" Soap questioned Ghost

"Alejandro's safe house, it was need to know."

"What if we needed to know?" Soap rolled his eyes

"Shut up will ya, you know now." Ghost replied, harsh as usual

The three of you advanced to the safe house and entered via the window to avoid the set traps.

"Fearful soap." You looked over at him worried as he hopped onto the window ledge before jumping in he turned and nodded at you with a smile, then he jumped into the safe house. You jumped up next but before you dropped you saw a laser sight pointing directly at Soap.

"SOAP, DROP." He didn't question it and he dropped to the ground, the laser sight disappeared as a voice replaced it's presence.

"Soap?" The voice almost recognisable

"Rudy?" Thank god

"Mav and Ghost too, got a full house then huh." He jumped down from his vantage point and joined soap on the ground, you and Ghost joined them.


"Everyone outside of this room is considered a hostile." Ghost spoke sternly

"With one exception." You added

"Alejandro." Ghost turned to you then back to the group

"We'll need to work together to save him from Graves, and hopefully take him down too."

"Once we gear up we need to head out to the prison, they'll be on high alert and the place will be fully guarded so we need to head in quickly and quietly." Soap said assertively, he was kinda hot this way but you let those feelings become buried in the overwhelming thoughts of what could have happened to the rest of the crew.

Once everyone had geared up, you soap ghost and Rudy headed for the prison.


Once you had cleared the guards on the front tower you zip lined up with ghost hot on your tail.

"Alright, soap you head for security, I'll go round planting charges while Rudy looks for Alejandro on the cams and Mav scouts the building. Remember, no noise." Ghost headed off to plant charges as you and soap parted with a sorrowful look, but a hopeful one, hopeful in that you'd both make it out of this alive.

You nodded Rudy and Ghost farewell and headed for the green entrance. You scouted for anything unusual and took at the guards at the front as not to alert anyone of your presence. You quickly glanced behind you and noticed a flashing light under one of the truck, before you could react to the realisation that it was in fact a bomb everything went dark as the explosion erupted.

"Mav, do you copy?"

Your head aching and bleeding, vision blurred but your hearing is still very much intact.

"Maverick, this is Ghost, do you copy?"

"Yeah...I'm here, fuck."

"Jesus Christ, you need to get out of there and make a run for the wall, Graves knew, he fucking knew." You can hear the anger in his voice, and the background noise or grunts coming from the men Ghost was killing.

"Where's Soap?" No...NO

"Don't think about that right now, get to the wall!"

"I'm not fucking leaving him Ghost!"

"Fuck, alright, be careful."

You pressed your hands to your head and your finger tips became covered in blood. You stood up and stumbled to the security room. You opened the floor bags and guns littered the floor, looks like there was a struggle so he can't be far.

You followed the signs and the tracks left behind in search for Soap. As you reached a cell block you heard screaming, agony and terror. You ran for the cell door and kicked it open. There he was, slumped over in a chair beating beaten by Graves. He turned around to face you with a slight grin on his face.

"I told you to let this fucking go Mav, I told you all to let it go, now look at you all." He laughed and pulled Soaps head back by his hair.

"Now look at him, how will you ever love a face like this huh?" You screamed as you lunged for him throwing punches and trying to grab hold of him and bring him to the ground. He threw back his own punches but you kept fighting and fighting. He eyed up a metal bat he had been using to torture Soap with and he grabbed it and swung for you, you dodged the first one but he winded you the second time by hitting you in the stomach. You fell to the ground, going in and out of consciousness As you looked up at graves as he came closer and closer to until he was right in your face.

"I didn't want to hit that pretty little face of yours." He moved a piece of hair that was covered in blood from your head that was covering your face. "Once I take care of him you'll be mine."

Little did he know soap had plans of his own, he was weak, but the love for you and the hatred for Graves gave him the drive he needed to fight back. A scream escaped his lips as he sprung from his restraints and tackled graves straddling him to the ground and throwing punch after punch into his face. You lay next to him and watched as Soap punches and punched Graves while you waved in and out of consciousness. Once he had stopped soap let out a sigh and slid off of Graves. He staggered to your side and knelt next to you.

"Hey...y/n can you hear me?"

"Yeah...fuck my head hurts."

"Yeah I know, you'll be okay, we need to go, can you stand?" He was so gentle

"I think so."

"Okay, give me your hand."

As you gave him your hand you both helped eachother up and leant on eachother as you staggered out of the room and headed for the wall. A few men stood atop the wall, as you grew closer you realised it was the rest of the crew.

"Alejandro? Price?"

"Fuckin hell kid, we thought we lost you two."

You laughed even though it hurt. "Almost captain."

As you and soap got help up the wall and over the other side you realised how much you'd do for Soap, and how much he'd do for you.  As you waved in and out of consciousness again all you could think about was him, his bravery and love for you...

So sorry this took so long, I just didn't know how to continue the story, I think I have a plan now so hope you enjoy this part :) and thanks so much for the love for this series, if you're into starwars I have an obi wan fan fic on my page you might enjoy. Thank again, love ya

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