Shifting Tides

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"Let's get to it then."

Laswell had a way with words, or the fact that the rest of the squad feared and admired her. Anyway, you all took your seats and waited for Laswell to begin the brief

"At 0500 tomorrow we will be going to the old abandoned oil rig off of the coast of Mexico, it has been taken over by the cartel. We managed to use the information Maverick gave us to interrogate Valeria. Shadow Company will be joining you on this mission as they did the last to ensure that all runs well. Gaz and Price you will be off on a different mission while Ghost, Soap, Maverick and Shadow Company will take on the oil rig. Team A consists of Ghost, a Shadow Company squadron and Alejandro,Team B consists of Maverick, Soap, Graves and a smaller Shadow Company Squadron. Team A will intercept the missile and Team B will clear the boat of enemy's to ensure Team A is safe and secure. Any questions."

The room stayed silent until Soap spoke up.

"Why can't Ghost and Maverick swap, wouldn't she work a lot better killing enemies then disarming a missile that she doesn't know about."

Before Laswell could answer you stood up.

"For fuck sake Soap get a grip of yourself, I know a lot more about these missiles then you think I do alright?" Your voice shaken with anger, how could he speak to you like this.

He sat back down feeling his guilty trickle through his body or was it lust, you could almost see a smirk on his face, like this pleasures him.

"Have you two stopped bickering now?" Ghost spoke up, antagonising Soap. He rolled his eyes

"Get some rest squad, you'll be up bright and early."


You sat on your seat in the heli before anyone had filtered in to leave, you decided to clean you rifle and ensure you had enough ammo and other suppliers for the road, you wasn't sure how many enemies there are so you packed enough, and then some. Ghost and Graves filled in, you sat on the far end near the cockpit, they sat near the entrance, Ghost on the outside and Graves opposite him on the other set of seats.

a few Shadow company members filtered in and sat in a seat, leaving the one next to you empty. Are they scared of me or something? Do I have something in my hair or teeth?
You shook the thought from your mind and continued with your task until the last member entered the Heli. Soap. Fuck. He walked over to the seat next to you and sat down.

His legs widened to take up a lot of your leg space. Your thigh touched his as he adjusted his strap and settled in.

"Comfy?" You said sarcastically

"Yeah actually" he sarcastically smiled back.

You rolled your eyes and tried to keep your leg from touching his, but there was no way you could keep this up the whole flight so you gave in and sat comfortably, or as comfortable as one can be in this situation.

"You're leaning on me." He laughed

"I can't help it you don't give me enough room." You sighed defeatedly. he pushed his leg further to yours causing both of your legs to clamp together.

"Thanks soap." You said sarcastically, again.

"You're welcome darling." He sounded sweeter then he did in the meeting room. You're not sure what changed but you're hoping he's nicer to you, it'll make this whole experience a lot easier. You looked over at him to see his head was tilted back, eyes closed. He looks peaceful and relaxed in this light. His mohican gently pressed against the metal of the Heli.

"Enjoy what you see Mav?" Your eyes snapped in front of you, he laughed at your reaction. Typical.


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