The other women

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You wake up the next morning sprawled across the bed, your leg dangles of the edge and almost touches the cold wooden floors bellow. You hoist your leg back into bed and lay it atop Soaps legs. He's sound asleep. He looks so beautiful and peaceful.  You trace your finger gently across his rugged nose. Scratches scatter his perfect face, each one present with a story in tow. He slowly begins to wake up by your touch.

"Morning" he spoke in a husky voice with a cheeky smile followed closely behind.

"Good morning" you say with a smile

"How long you been awake?" He closes his eyes again for a moment but opens them so he can look at you again.

"Not long." Your smile stays plastered across your face. "I'll get you some coffee" you squeeze his arm and he smiles.

You make his coffee the way he likes it, strong with no sugars, the first time you made him a coffee he would say 'no sugar for me darling, I'm already sweet enough' it made you laugh thinking about it.


After you had both had breakfast and got changed for the day Soap got a call from Price.

"You on for the pub later mate?" You overheard Price say

"Gwon then, who else is goin." Soap asks

"Gaz and Ghost are going to be there, I'll ring Y/N in a bit see if she's free." Soap looks at you.

"Yeah she'll go I'm sure of it, won't ya darling." You nod to him.

"Ahhh you player, see you both at 7"


You and Soap make it to the pub just after 7, he got distracted by your beauty before you both left so things had to be taken care of, if you know what I mean.

"Finally!" Price stands up and laughs as he hugs Soap and sits back down. Gaz smiles and nods at you both and ghost nods his head to Soap.

"You owe us a round McTavish." Price grins

"Right course I do." He heads off to the bar and you follow him to help bring the drinks over. You hear chatter and laughter in the back but you think nothing of it, it is a bar after all.

"Right I think we got everyone" soap smiles at you you nod and pick up some of the pints.

As you head back to the table you notice an unfamiliar figure. Their hair long, dark and sleek straight. You place the pints down on the table and look at her as she spoke to you

"Hi I'm Cleo and you are?" Her accent was thick, she's definitely from somewhere foreign to you. Her inquisitive smile pearly and white, But something dark lingers behind it.

"Cleo what are you doing here?" Soap looks surprised.

"Did you not miss me dear." She stood up and kissed his cheek without giving you a second glance. You assumed the worst, was it soaps ex? Was it his other woman? Childhood sweetheart? Your mind spiralled Soap was left stunned but Price spoke up in his place.

"She was in town and so happened to drop by, isn't that great!" Price laughed. You decide to take a look at her while everyone was distracted. Her skin olive in colour, her hair as deep as her dark brown eyes. Her round and plump lips the colour of fresh blood from an open wound. She was gorgeous, and nothing like you.

"I've missed you guys, especially you Soap, you never called" she grabbed his arm.

"Yeah I was busy." He was cold to her

After everyone got caught up you sat there, waiting to be included in the conversation, but all that they kept talking about what inside jokes or story's of things you didn't know about because you was never told. You felt alone in a room full of people. You felt left out. You hadn't spoken a word in an hour and no one noticed, not even soap. Although he was in his own cold mindset and hardly spoke at all.

"So yeah, I've just been working mostly in France, the food is incredible." She spoke softly

"Yeah but the people not so much, cmon now you have to remember what happened there last time" Gax chimed in. Everyone laughed

You've had enough, you abruptly excused yourself to the bathroom and stormed off.

You quickly turned the cold tap on and splashed your face with it. As your eyes were closed you heard the door open behind you. You grabbed a paper towel and pat dried your face to reveal the person who entered. It was Cleo.

This is part 1 to this chapter, I know I haven't updated in ages so lmk how this looks for you guys, hope it's good and yall enjoyed and happy Christmas ❤️

Code Names  (John "Soap" Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now