Knock Knock

888 21 7

"This is it" you sigh disappointingly at your very small home. The pale walls don't hold any personality, the dark windows keep the eyes of those walking by from peeping in. You look to soap and he just smiles as you unlock the door and step in.

"Take your shoes off." You point to him.

"Yes ma'am." He chuckles

"Don't call me ma'am" you laugh back

Your house is the opposite of what it looks like from the outside. It is filled with life and energy. The walls plastered in art and posters of your favourite things. The kitchen is swarming with trinkets and new food recipes that you've been looking forward to trying when you're off duty. Your fridge however, is empty though.

"We should probably get some food at some point." You say slamming the fridge and facing Soap who is still stood in the doorway. He is like a little boy who has just walked into his first girlfriends house. He looks around and
Inspects all of the decorations on the wall.

"Make yourself at home Johnny, put your stuff in my room." You point to the door that leads to your room.

"Yeah, thanks." He smiles and walks his stuff into your room. He comes out soon after.

Both of you look at each other for a moment. He stands by the bedroom door, not moving an inch. So you decide to loosen him up, you walk to him and wrap your arms around his neck and look in his eyes.

"You'll be okay, you'll be feeling home in no time." You kiss his forehead and place your head under his chin. He lets out a shaken breath you didn't realise he was holding.

"Shall we order some food?" He suggests

"Hmmm yeah I could go for Chinese for sure." You lick your lips.

"Sounds good to me." he smiles


You had both settled onto the sofa and ordered your Chinese takeout. Soap decided to put on the old movie channel and it just so happens to be playing an old western movie.

"I love this one." His eyes widen while he inhales more of his food. He's very hungry.

"Hmm." You say with a mouthful yourself.

*knock knock knock*

You both look at each other

"You expecting someone?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Not that I know of." You get up out of your chair and go to the door. Soap follows behind closely but stays out of sight from the door. You look to him then unlock and open the door.

"Heyyyy, y/n." The man's slinks an arm around you. He was clearly drunk.

"Hey Ryan." You say awkwardly.

"You been good princess?" You cringe at his words, you can feel Soaps eyes burning into you.

"Yeah I've been okay." He still hasn't removed his arm from around you but instead he pushed you inside and he joins too. The door closes and as Ryan is about to push you gently to the wall Soap grabs his shoulder and pushes him harshly too the wall. Ryan winced on impact.

"Shit, man that fucking hurt." He looks to Soap with an sluggish and angry look.

"I'd do more then hurt you in a minute princess." He grits his teeth.

"And who the fuck are you to her?" Ryan asks soap with a do I give a fuck look.

"Don't fucking touch her again." Soap gets his face closer "or I'll fucking deal with you." Why did he dodge the question?

Ryan scoffs"I've done more then touch her my friend." Your brows furrowed and you pushed soap off of Ryan before he did something stupid. If he tried to fight Ryan he might kill him, this could cost him his job.

"Ryan, it was lovely seeing you but it'd be in your best interest to leave." You're practically dragging soap away from him.

"Fine whatever, you know when to call me." You roll your eyes at his comment. He walks out and respectfully closes the door too. Much for respect huh.

Soap looked at you. "And who the that." He pointed to the door, anger seeping out of him.

"Does it even matter Johnny." You went to place your hands on his chest but he stepped back with the look of betrayal.

"Who was he y/n!" He shouted. You took a step back, you didn't realise soap could get so angry.

"He was an old friend Johnny I promise." You tried to approach him again but he stepped back once more

"He seems like more then a fucking friend y/n" he chuckled with anger.

"What do you want me to tell you Johnny!"

"The truth for fuck sake!"

"Alright, the truth is we fucked, is that what you want to hear?!" He screamed at him

"It was way before I bet it knew you at all Johnny."

"Why does he still come round here then?" He crossed his arms.

"He does this when he's drunk, I've cut it off every fucking time Johnny swear to you." He stepped towards him and this time he doesn't step back, good, progress.

You looped your hands around his neck and looked into his eyes. "My eyes are for you and you only I promise you." You kisses his cheek.

"I don't want him here again, please."

"Of course, I've been looking for an excuse to get him away from here anyway." You chuckle, Johnny joins you.

"I say we take a shower, calm down and go to bed huh?" You say to him. He nods and places a hand on your shoulder and pushes you to the bathroom. I think he wants to join in.

After your nice long and peaceful shower with Soap you managed to both calm down before heading to bed. Your first night together. Soap lay on his back and you lay your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat while he combed your hair with his fingers.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I just love you so much  I just didn't want you to be hurt."

"It's okay I understand. I have a question though." You look up to him

"Yeah of course" he looks to you

"Why didn't you answer him when he said who are you to her."

"We'll i didn't want to say boyfriend Because we hadn't really spoken about it before that point but." He stops for a moment. "But would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You pushed yourself up and looked at him.


"Yeah of course."

"I thought the big ol' johnny wasn't a girlfriend type." You laughed

"Since when have I ever said that." He chuckled, you both laughed together as he pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly

You fell back to your original position with your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"Goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight johnny."

The drama as requested, hope this is good y'all 💪😔

Code Names  (John "Soap" Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now