The other women PT2

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"I'm not sure who you think you are, or who you think you're dealing with but soap is mine, I know him inside and out, things you couldn't dream of. Now when you leave this bathroom, you walk straight out of here and go home." She scowled at you. You stood in shock.

She barged your shoulder and walked out of the bathroom before you could say anything to her, not like you could her sudden outburst startled you into silence. You stood there for a moment thinking about all the things you could or should have said before making your way out of the bathroom with a cold expression plastered on your face.

You ordered two shots at the bar and quickly took them before sitting back at the table and holding onto soaps hand, he shook it away, you stared at him but he didn't look back. You sat on a table full of people yet you felt so alone, more alone then you have ever felt in your entire solo career. Soap made you feel so abandoned.

Everyone's chatter started to dispersed into groups and you could make out ghosts eyes looking at you as you scanned the table. He never expressed much behind his mask but for some reason the slight glisten in his eyes and the twinge of his lower lid made you feel like he understood, he made you feel like everything would be okay and that Soap would explain everything to you later. He comforted you without even saying a word. After all this time Ghost made you feel like he never cared about you or your relationship with soap but in reality he does, he wants nothing more then his closest friends to be happy together. You understand him a little more every time you're together.

After a few more drinks and a few more laughs that never included you, the group started to wobble out the door. All that was left at the table was You, Soap, Cleo and Ghost.

"So girl, whst is your name?" Cleo turned to you as the silence before sat between them for too long.

"Y/n" Soap replied for you before you could say anything .

"Hm, never heard of a girl called Y/n, what do you do Y/n" she said with the lack of interest you get when talking to a bank teller or the half of your family no one really likes.

"Same as me mostly but she's not as good as me that's for sure." Soap chuckled

Her eyes slightly widened then reverted back to there bored state.

"Right I'm sick of this mate, you and y/n go home, now." Ghost said with a stern voice.

But I haven't finished my drink yet." Cleo replied

"I wasn't talking to you love." Ghost replied without even looking at her.

Soap didn't move at first but Ghost stared him down till he eventually moved. Soap began to gather his coat and held your bag as you got your coat on. Soap nodded to Ghost and Cleo as he waljrd out the door first leaving you behind.

"Bye Ghost." You waved goodbye as you walked to the door, the smile dropping from your face as you turned away. Tears almost welling in your eyes.

As you get outside Soap is waiting for you. "Cmon then let's get you home." You smile weakly at his words.


When you both reach the apartment you reach for your keys and open the door. You drop your bag on the floor and it crashes to the ground a lot louder then you originally thought it would. Soap closes the door behind you and hangs up his coat. "You okay babe" he asks

"Yep, fine." You say with gritted teeth as you grab a cup out of the cupboard and fill it with water.

"I know you're not fine, what's wrong, tell me." He gives you those puppy dog eyes. You still feel so cold and alone even with the heating on and Soap close by.

"I'll tell you what's wrong, all night I've felt like an outsider, not once did you ask if I was okay after I didn't speak for a whole hour! Do you know what she said to me when I went to the toilet? She was horrible and you just endorsed her! I'm sick of feeling like I'm not important or not wanted, I'm sick of you looking to other women and not to me. I've never felt more  alone then I did tonight and do you want to know what!? The only person who actually cared about me was Ghost, he was the only one who could see my hurt and my pain."

He scoffed "you're kidding right! Oh so you go right to Ghost and get him to comfort you some more then eh! You're the only women I want Y/N but I can't make you believe it you have to do that yourself. Cleo is nothing compared to you but no you go to Ghost that's fine I'm sure he'll love that."

You stared at him in shock, how was he blaming you! He is so unbelievable. "Yeah maybe I will then, atleast then I'll actually feel comfort once in a while!" You grab your bag and stron out the door. You can't listen to him talk about you in the way. You forgot your car keys so a walk will have to do.


It's dark, around 11pm and you're heading towards a different bar then earlier "The Crowned Hog." You scoffed, sounds about right. You heading for a quick drink before you head back. You sit down at the bar on one of the more clean stools and order your usual. After your second sip you head out back for a cigarette and take your drink with you, as the door closes behind you you're approached by a man that's sat just a few tables over in the smoking area.

"Hey little lady, you're a bit young to be in here ey?" He smirks at you.

"Well I'm old enough to drink mate so, I think that says a lot about the fact I'm in here." You're cold with him.

"A firey one aye? I like em like that" he chuckles

You don't reply

"Can I get your number, you're well fit."

"No, I have a boyfriend." You look at him this time and you notice his teeth are blackened with tar and his eyes slightly yellow, he's probably a chain smoker with an alcohol problem, that seems the theme for this bar.

"Oh well, he don't have to know darling." He slides his hand across your thigh.

"I suggest you take your hands off me or I'll have to deal with you do you understand." You reveal the holstered gun under your coat, you always carry it and technically it is legal as you are always on duty. He gives you a dirty look and leaves you alone. Thank god.


After one last drink you leave the bar, you're not totally drunk but you can feel it in your system. You're walking down the road back to your apartment, the road you took to get to the bar in the first place. The street lights are dim but bright enough that you can make out what's on the ground in front of you. It's about 1 am now and it's quiet in the street apart from a few dogs barking. You look up at the stars for a moment and notice a few glisten more brightly then the others, the stars looked beautiful aligned tonight and you felt comfort as they hugged you from above. As you looked down you felt a hard and cold forced crash down on your head and your vision goes dark.


This is the end of part 2, sorry it took like forever to update I just kinda flopped lolll, anyway I'm gonna try and get the next part out at the weekend but no guarantees, anyways I hope you enjoyed <3

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