This is gonna hurt

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*tw for kidnapping and possible assault threat, no sexual violence but beware of abuse*

Your vision is blurred as you slowly open your eyes, the contrast from the dark night to these bright lights blinded you for a moment. You blink as your eyes adjust and notice the man infront of you, he's facing away from you so you take a minute to take in your surroundings before he notices your awake. The room was empty mostly apart from a small bed in the corner and a makeshift toilet made from a bucket. It wasn't dirty but you could spot a few marks and scratches in common areas that people would touch. Your hands were bound but your feet are strapped to an old wooden chair. A cough escapes your lips as you fully recover and the man turned. It was the man from the bar.

"You can't take no for an answer can you." You spit at him.
He chuckled "I get what I want, what can I say?" He sits back in his chair. You notice your gun hang from his belt.
"I bet you had loads of friends when you was a kid." You roll your eyes at him.
He lunges for you and grabs you by your neck as he towers over you. "Yeah I did actually, I usually share what I wanted, if you know what I mean." He smirks, your heart drops.
"Now you're awake, eat, I have some things to do before the main event." he unties you and as he leaves he locks the door behind you. You need to act quick beccause he could be back any moment. You grab the food he placed on the floor infront for and put it on the bed. He's taken your gun and your knife out of your boot. He didn't find your coms device in there, lucky. You hope someone is on the other end. You connect the device to your ear and turn it on.

"This is Maverick, dose anyone copy, im involved in a code 134, if anyone can track my location please send help, I'm not sure where I am or how long I have been here. Again this is maverick with a code 134." The line is silent. Shit. You pace around the room waiting and then decide to sit on the bed.

You sit for a while, not sure how long for but it felt like hours. There was nothing to do in the small room, you had no weapons other than your combat skills but he had your gun so you're not sure how well you'd do in that situation. They always say don't bring a knife to a gun fight, but they never mention fists. I suppose that's a given.

Time passes by until you hear a buzz coming from your device. You try and find the frequency that the signal is on frantically. This is your only hope. "Mav do you hear me?" It's Soap. Thank fuck, a tear escapes your eyes but you quickly blink it away. "Johnny, it's so good to hear your voice, please I need help." You plead with him
"It's okay baby, we're going to get you, Price me and Ghost are on it, Laswell is tracking you as we speak, when we find you we'll be there within minutes. Just hold tight okay?" He sound panicked but almost relieved to hear your voice.
You hear a shuffle and a door slam what you assume is upstairs. "Shit he's back, I have to go."
"Keep your device turned on so we can track you."
"Yeah, yeah of course." You move the device behind your ear and tuck it into your hair, he shouldn't be able to notice it.

You can hear him jumbling keys around on the other side of the door untill he jimmies one into the lock and opens the door. Him and other man trails in.
"You brought company then aye?" You scowl at him.
"Like I said before, I share my toys." He moves closer and touches your hair. You get nervous that he might find your mic tucked behind your ear but thankfully he doesn't. You pull away from him. He smells like death, like he hasn't showered off his last kill. He smells like a monster and it's revolting. He pins you down by you thighs and the other man comes over and grabs you by your throat and squeezes. Your vision gets blurred as you shake your whole body in hopes he releases. He does and he laugh. "You're not so tough now are ye." He shows he's blacked teeth when he smiles and they also stink. You claw at your throat as each breath is painful.

Soap pov

"It's not a good idea to listen to that Johnny." Ghost says to me from the corner of the room. My teeth are gritted so tight I feel like I could pop a tooth. They are hurting her, my girl, and I can't do shit about it. "While we are sat here she's there being beaten. I'm listening for her sake." I stand up and pace the room. We are in the apartment, I called Ghost over as soon as I woke up the next morning and she wasn't in bed. Why didn't I go after her, fuckk.
"Fucking help Soap, you need to sit down, she's more then capable of handing herself, look how she handled you when you first met aye?" Price tilted his head, he was trying to cheer me up. A shaky breath escapes my lips as I take a seat on the sofa.

"Price you there?" You hear Laswell over the earpiece. "Laswell?"
"Hey Johnny, how you holding up?"
You sigh.
"She'll be alright, I promise."
"Yeah, I hope you're right."
"I found where she's hold up, I'll send the coordinates and you three head over okay? I have backup ready on standby." Everyone in unison agrees, you start to get ready to head out as Price wraps up any last details with Laswell

Your pov

"Don't get her face, I like them pretty." He sneers as the other man punches you in your stomach again, you tired to the chair again and unable to fight back, they have been abusing you for the past what feel like 3 hours. Blood splatters the floor and walls as each punch sends blood shooting out of your mouth. You're weak and your head hangs low with each punch feeling like it's the last. Your body throbs in pain, bruised and battered. Just when things get bleak you hear your comes device go off again,
"Mav? You still there" you look up at the two guys as they come towards you and pluck the device from your ear. He speaks into it. "Sorry mate, your Mav, is a little busy if you know what I mean." He laughs and drops the device on the ground and smashes it with his boot. He doesn't seem frightened that you have contacted the outside, almost as if he's certain he can't be found. He comes over and unties you and chucks you onto the bed. You scream and whale and try to force yourself up but he piles on top of you. The other man watches from the corner. They both start laughing in your face as tears roll down your cheek. He pulls your trousers down then ties one foot to the bed to keep you in place. You scream at him and bite whenever he gets close. "I'm sick of your shit little lady." He rips  a piece of cloth from the bed and gags you. The room fell silent.


You hear from outside the door



A man opens and closes the door quickly behind him. The man from the bar is still on top of you. "They are here for the girl." He frantically exclaims. "Well I'm having her first." He starts to rush getting himself ready to have you until


The door swings open. The man is still on top of you, you're weak but the close sense of freedom is so powerful you bring yourself to bash your head into his and knock him out, you climb on top of him and use your free hands to punch him repeatedly. You scream and scream and cry through being gagged. You take no notice of the other two men as they fight for their lives with of knifes and other at-home-weapons Your bare legs cold and bruised and bloodied as you straddle the man from the bar, each hit you placed on him started to slow as the tears started to grow. You didn't notice Johnny behind you until he spoke. "Y/n? Baby." Your tears are raw and heavy now your firsts collapsed to your sides as you turn to face him. You take off your gag and don't say a word as you look over to them. Johnny comes over to you and holds you tightly a few tears escape his eyes. You wince from the pain so he pulls back. "Cmon let's get you out of here. Can you walk?" You nod and stand up from the bed after Johnny unties your cuffed leg only to collapse. Your bruised knees clash with the cold floor. Johnny quickly kneels and gets your to your feet and picks you up bridal style. You lay your head into his chest, his heart is racing so quickly you thought it might jump out of his throat. You hear them talking amongst themselves but you can't quite hear as you drift in and out of consciousness. Now safe in Johnny's arms your body sees no reason to fight to keep you awake. Your eyes flutter close as you look up at Johnny, thankful for him coming in time.

Hope you guys enjoyed this episode and it wasn't too graphic, let me know if this needs any other warnings at the start. I'll try to update soon <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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