Woah their solider

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You and Soap managed to get back to base and make a full recovery. Both of you remained off duty for a while before beginning missions again. You had just finished a mission to completely take back everything from the corrupt and start a new path for 141. You all returns to base pretty happy with how the mission was handled and happy faces scattered the air strip. Price and Laswell came up to you and the group.

"All of you need to go to the conference room, we need to have a meeting." Laswell stated to you, soap, ghost and gaz

All of you nodded to her and followed closely behind as she walked away.

"What do you think it will be about?" Soap asks you as he jogs slightly to catch up to your fast pace

"You know just as much as I do Soap." You say sarcastical

"Har har very funny." He rolls his eyes

As all of you enter the confrence room and fill your chairs you're greeted by Laswell once again. A few other captains, offices and other ranking officials sat around too. You obviously sat next to Soap in the far corner away from Laswell. Ghost in the other corner and Gaz right at the front. The rest of the spaces are mostly taken up.

Laswell begins her speech

"The last mission was a great success and I am proud of all the effort that went into making it such..." she continues but a sly hand takes your attention away for a moment as Soap places it on your thigh. You look over to him but he doesn't look at you, he lees his eyes forward but you can see a slight smirk on his face.

"We are glad to announce that we have taken back full control and eradicated any possible corrupt individuals..."

His hand begins to get more intense as he moves it closer to your heat, forcing his hand between your clenched thighs. His strong grip pulling them apart slightly. You gasp slightly at the force.

"Everything alright Mav?" You cough shit

"Yeah sorry I just got a cramp."  Laswell nodded.

"do you need a moment outside?" She confirms

Soap doesn't stop and he continues to move his hand closer until he begins to circle your clit with his thumb, even if it is over your clothes it's almost as intense when without them.

"No...no I'm okay." Holding in the moan that so desperately wants to escape.

Laswell continues with her speech will Soap continues with his hands. I'm gonna kill this man...fuck.

"Anyways as I was saying this meeting was just to congratulate you all on the success and we hope for more in the future."

As the meeting concludes everyone begins to file out but soap clutches your thigh and looks at you. He wants you both to wait behind.

As the last official leaves the room soap abruptly stands up and pins you against the conference table.

"What are you doing." You laugh

"I've wanted you over this table since the meeting fucking started." He growls the words into your ear. His voice husky and low.

He placed his hands under shirt and fondles your nipples. Slight moans escape your lips as he continues to pleasure you. His hot mouth pressed to yours aggressively. He moves his hands down to the waistband of your jeans and he rips them down your legs, your underwear joins them not long after. He's hungry for you.

"Woah slow down their solider." You chuckle as his kisses your neck.

"Slow is for the weak." He unzips his jeans and aligns himself with your entrance before slamming into you. Slight pain ripples through you but mostly pleasure. Your eyes roll with the force of him inside you as he quickly moves in and out. His rhythm is fast and unrelenting but you love it either way.

"Fuck...soap...im gonna c-" he cuts you off "fuck me too."

As he becomes sloppy and fast you begin to hurl towards your orgasm. Soap isn't far behind you. However before you can unravel infront of him Soap pulls out and turns you onto your chest. You nipples touch the cold conference table and you let out a slight moan at the feeling. You place your hands infront of you and grip the other end of the table. Soap realigns with your entrance and slams into you again. His hands gently lay on your hips as he pushes in and out of you. His pace increases as both of you hurl to your orgasm once again. Soap trails a hand across your bare ass and up your back to gently grab your hair. He pulls your head back and looks into your eyes.

"Look at me while you finish." This was unimaginably hot as you're sent toward your orgasm. You keep eye contact with him as you completely unravel beneath him. As he does the same his face contorts beautifully before you. Once he has finished he pulled out of you and lay gently on your back.

"Fuck." You both say in unison. Then laugh about the fact.


The next few weeks were uneventful, apart from each night was spent with soap either being cuddled or fucked, or both you didn't really mind.

It was another, uneventful day as you stepped out of your quarters to be greeted by a soldier.

"Laswell wants you in the conference room." He salutes and leaves.

You make it to the confrence room and are greeted by soap, ghost, price, gaz and Laswell.

"Sit mav." You do as you're told

"Now, we understand how tough the last few months have been for all of you so, me and Price and decided that you all deserve a break. You may go on leave." Your face slightly drops as you realise you won't be able to spend every day with soap anymore. You didn't know how far away he lived so that kinda sucked.

"You may leave when you're ready." Ghost was the first one out, Laswell gaz and price followed suit as you and soap stayed put. Unsure what to do. He looks to you and you look at him. Youre unsure what takes over you but the need to be with him is all that matters to you so, you decide you'll be the one to break the ice.

"Wanna stay with me?"

So sorry for the long update, again I just don't know what to write, hope this is good tho. Comment how you would continue this story or any other story's you want me to write, if you're into starwars content I also have a few starwars fan fics you can look at on my page.

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