Coarse Delicatessen

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This chapter includes smut so be warned, enjoy :).

You didn't know how to answer his response, you didn't know if he meant something more or something less the friends.

"What do you mean John?" You stood inquisitively.

"You know exactly what I mean Mav." He looked you up and down with lust in his gaze, now you knew what he meant. He slowly grazed his hands along your thighs up to your waist, clutching in like if he let go you'd be gone forever, he pulled you closer so you stood between his thighs looking at him as he sat. A slight gasp left your lips as you bit down on the soft skin of it.

"You're so beautiful." He gently whispered to you while carefully placing your loose hair behind your ear

You turned your head to hide your smile but he clutched your jaw gently and pulled it towards his face colliding his lips with yours. His soft but rough kisses sent shivers through your body. He held and clutching your waist as he encouraged you to straddle him, you did as his body commands.

"If you want me to stop just say okay?" You nodded your head

"Say it." He commanded

"Yes, I will." You spoke in a gentle manner

"Good, good girl." The corners of his lips twitched into a smirk at your bodies response to his words. He connected your kiss again and picked you up carefully wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked over to a another truck with a backseat in it. Rain started to fall lightly caressing your cheek and dampening your hair slightly but Soap got you into the truck before it got any worse, thunder started to rip holes into the thick grey clouds that had gathered since the start of your walk out here but the truck protected you both from what took place outside.

He slowly lowered you so your back touched the cool leather of the seats, his hands rested gently at the sides of your head as he admired your body, even though you are still fully clothed. You giggled slightly at the sight of this sudden lust in his eyes.

"Why now Soap?" You tilted your head slightly

"I suppose I've just come to my senses and realised how much of a fucking beauty you are Mav." He chuckled and bought your kiss together again before you could respond to him. His hands explored your body while his eyes closed and enjoyed this moment with you, you hands snaked around his neck and began to tug at his t shirt neck. He broke your kiss, his warm lips still lingered close to yours as he tugged his shirt over his head, completely the same for you. Your kiss rejoined instantly and your arms resumed their position.

His kiss slowly became hot and rough as his lust for you grew harder to contain. His hands started to sloppily mess with your Jeans as he tried to tug them off, you decided to help him as you wanted this just as much as he did. You didn't realise your longing for him up until this point you thought the feeling was of hatred but it wasn't.

"I want you Soap." You ushered out of your lips as they crashed into his again. A slight moan left him at the sound of you speaking his name in a situation like this. He wanted you too.

He hands reached for your clit on top of your underwear as he placed gentle pressure and steady circle to edge you on. You area was already wet before he even touched you, you didn't feel embarrassed and neither did he, he felt proud of his achievement. Moans left your lefts and entered into his as your kiss grew heavier and sloppier. His other hands lay on your chest squeezed and teasing your breasts. You arms scratched at his back as you clawed and yearned for him.

He couldn't hold himself back any longer, he needed to feel you. He pushed your pretty black underwear to the side as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his boxers down. His eyes focusing on his hands as he did so, the concentration on his face was almost sexy as he lined himself up with your wet entrance. He looked at your face.

"If it hurts or you want me to stop tell me okay?"

"Okay." You managed to huff out. He knew what exactly to do to get you to feel this way.

He slowly pushed into you, you gasped as he rejoined your kiss, he kissed down your jaw and to your neck leaving hickeys in his wake. He set a slow but enjoyable rhythm as he pushed himself further towards your inevitable orgasm.  The rain and thunder outside, thankfully muffled both of your moans and groans otherwise the whole camp would know your secret. You hands clawed and drew blood as you came closer to your orgasm.

"Soap i-" you managed to get out before he spoke to you.

"Do it baby, I'm close too." He huffed out In between each push into you. You unraveled around him quivering as he kept guiding you through your orgasm, he joined not long after. His groan of pleasure pleased you as pulled out of you.

He pulled his jeans up and buttoned them and helped you with yours. He sat in one of the seats and gestured for you to set in his lap. He placed his head onto yours and gently caressed your bare arm with his delicate but coarse fingers. You're both out of breath and sweaty but you didn't want to be apart even if your bare skin stuck together from the heat.

"I'm sorry about how I treated you before, I think I just saw you as a threat to the team." He looked down at you.

"It's okay John." You both smiled. Soap bought his hand up to the steamed window and began to draw a heart and filled it with both of your initials. You smiled and he kissed the top of your head.

"We should probably get back soon." Soap said, his voice sounded almost sad at the thought, maybe he did care after all.

"Yeah, in a minute." You closed your eyes for a moment and enjoyed the company of his warm body against yours.

I've never written smut before but I hope you enjoy haha 😅 idk if it's good so let me know. Anyway, hopefully I'll write another part tomorrow if not it'll be the day after <33

Code Names  (John &quot;Soap&quot; Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now