Compliments to the Chef

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You woke up in the morning feeling refreshed after the clarification with Soap last night. You stretched out your arms and patted the bed beside you, he wasn't there. You sat up and inspected the room, empty. With an unenthusiastic huff you got up from the bed. Your bare legs exposed to the cool morning air. You opened your bedroom door that lead to the sitting room and kitchen, your feet sticking to the wooden floor made a noise that alerted Soap to your sudden presence. His bare back faced you, toned and scattered with scars. He was as beautiful as ever. He was focused on something over the counter.

"Morning beautiful." His turns around to face you with a smile. God he's beautiful. His toned chest was exposed and it sent a smile straight to your face.

"Good morning." You smiled at him.

"Breakfast?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I thought we didn't have anything in?"

"I took the liberty of ordering us something." Your smile grew as he picked up the plates behind him. It was your favourite.

"You're the best." You grabbed your play and sat at the barstool as you ate your food, Soap joined you.

"This is so good."

"Mmhm." He responded with a mouthful. You laughed and nudged his shoulder. he made a face as if to say what?! In the most playful way.

"What's the plans today then hotshot." You turned to him as he chocked on his food slightly at your words.

"Not sure, we need food I can tell you that." You nodded


A few hours later you had both gotten dressed and headed for the shop, you didn't think either of you suited the domestic life but it was nice to have a change from the regular, let's fight for our life, situations. You grabbed a trolly and headed for the entrance, soap trailed behind.

"What kind of food do you like Johnny?" You turned to him as he caught up with you.

He shrugged. " I'll have whatever."

"Cmon just pick something." You huffed and have him puppy dog eyes.

"Alright alright, let's get to it then."

As you both decided on what you wanted to fill your cupboards and fridge with you stumbled upon the alcohol.

"A drink for tonight to celebrate." You gestures to a drink you knew he'd like.

"Gwon then, we deserve it." He chuckled.

You continued your shop and got all the things you think that you would need. After a long wait at the checkout you both finally got out and piled into the car.

"I've definitely not missed the cues." You laughed as you slumped into the passenger seat.

"Yeah, you can say that again." Soap turned the ignition and started to drive. The drive hope was peaceful and caotic at the same time. Considering soaps singing ability you wonder how you still have any hearing left. After the music died down and it was the last leg of your journey soap placed a gentle hand on your thigh as he drove you both home. Your heart fluttered at the gesture. His hand slightly squeezed your thigh every now and hen and that would make you shiver in pleasure every time.

Once you had arrived home you both took the shopping into the house, unpacked it and put it away accordingly.

"I'm gonna take a shower, wanna come?" You turned to him as you placed the last cam in the fridge. He practically ran to the shower, but picked you up in the way and slumped you over his shoulder.

Code Names  (John &quot;Soap&quot; Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now