Chapter 14

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{|~I'm like half motivated so it counts to write today. I hope you guys will enjoy this and I hope it won't be so bland like the previous one.~|}


I have been noticing something that I have kinda expected not gonna lie. I can read minds and whatever but Winter's mind is always going crazy whenever he's near Qibli but Qibli is thinking of Winter whenever he can. I can obviously tell that they like each other. Winter's face doesn't show it but his mind is stating the obvious. Mean while Qibli's face is genuine and his mind is as well, he just talks about Winter as long as he can. Winter obviously loves Qibli and Qibli is oblivious about his reactions but loves him dearly as well.

"Hey Moon!" Kinkajou yelled to me.

She then flew to me. I was so busy looking at them and she said something that I wanted to say.

"Qibli is really oblivious is he?" Kinkajou said that made me snap back to reality.

"What?" I responded back with.

"It's really obvious and Winter already told me,"
she said then continued, "Look at Winter trying to not explode and Qibli not noticing. They're just the cutest couple!" She exclaimed.

I was about to ask her about it when my head started hurting.

'Beware the talons of power and fire, Beware one who is not what she seems. Something is lurking in two dragons that needs to be told in order for peace to forehold or else chaos will befold.'

After some time the headache stopped.

"I think I just got a prophecy." I told Kinkajou.

"Huh?" She replied.

It then hit me, I then smack my head.

"You don't know do you?" I said.

Her shaking her head and I sighed. I just dug my own grave.

"Can you ask everyone in our winglet to meet in mine and your cove?" I asked her and she nodded while fly skipping off her way.

Everyone in our winglet was finally here. Okay time to get this over with.

"Guys there is something I need to tell you guys," I just awkwardly stare at them while they stare at me while confused, "I can read minds and can get a prophecy when important." I told them.

I can't believe I actually told them something I've been trying to hide. They look at me with bewilderment but then Winter was the first to recover and then stomps to me.

"Does that mean you knew about everything that I was thinking about Qibli!?" He whispered yelled in my ears.

I just nod and his face looks like he saw something he shouldn't have. Well that was surely something.

"Why are you telling us this?" Qibli asked after being the second person to recover.

"I told you guys this because I had a prophecy and I felt like you guys were included." I told him.

He just nodded and told this to the rest after they recovered from the shock. We soon then agreed that we will continue this talk tomorrow since tomorrow is a weekend. I hope I did the right thing.

{|~I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night! Good bye or cya later!~|}


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