Chapter 17

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{|~It's my B-Day. I won't be writing about forcing Kinkajou to love Turtle and I'm gonna instead make it natural love and I hope you guys enjoy today's chapter!~|}


   I was continuing my search and still found nothing "Guys I found a map!" Moon said. We all flew to where she was and saw a the map. "It has 'Nightwing Palace's at the top right of the map!" Kinkajou yelled out with excitement. I then sighed as we finally found a clue. I then turned my eyes to Winter to see that he was looking at something something else. "Winter what's wrong?" I asked him and he clearly didn't here what I said. Everyone then turned their head and me and Winter but Winter hadn't realized it. "Winter what's wro-" I was about to question him again when I saw it. It was a sea animal at the shore of the ocean clearly injured. "Turtle what animal is that?" I asked him since he would probably know since he is a you know Seawing. I saw Turtle flinch but he talked. "That looks like a dolphin but that's really unusual." He said. I gave him a questioning look. He catches on and said, "Dolphins are more pack animals so i don't know where it's pack is?" He said. "It has been abused and abandoned." Winter said surprising everyone. I mean it did have marks on its body that no dragon can do and not marks scavengers can make as well. I saw Winter walk closer to it and I saw the dolphin starting to wake up. "Winter I don't think that's a good idea!" I exclaimed to him.


   It was so beautiful and majestic and... Pure. I just wanted to look at it but it woke up and got startled when it saw me so it splashed water me which made me flinch and walk back but I knew it meant no harm. I walked closer to it and sat about five feet away from it. It was wary but it seemed to be more relaxed then earlier. "Hi their." I said calmly to the dolphin. It just made a high pitched sound and I turned my head to Turtle. He tilted his head but just sighed. He then walked closer which obviously scared it but it soon calmed down. I thought that it was surprisingly calm. "It said hi to you earlier." Turtle said sitting around 5 feet away from me. I just smile and continue to look at the so called 'dolphin' as if it was a dream. I looked at it when I snapped out of it when my name was yelled. "C'mon Winter we gotta go to the hidden kingdom before it's to late!" Yelled Qibli. I just nod and was in a stance that meant I was gonna fly but looked at the dolphin that gave me a nod of acknowledgement and I just smile at it then fly away.

{|~couple minutes later~|}

   We have finally made it and we then landed to what seemed like a entrance. "Finally we made it. My wings are really sore" I commented. "Yeah yeah snow-eater." Qibli told me and everyone was giggling. I then look at him then at everyone at disbelief. Did Qibli just insult me and everyone laughed at me?! I thought he was gonna save me though. I then hit a wall on accident and I said "Ow!" And everyone was laughing even Qibli! I was so embarrassed and betrayed that I told them an excuse. "I just realized I had something to do." When in reality I didn't. I was really sad that my friends would laugh at me including Qibli which made me start crying. I then flew away crying and back to the volcano to look for comfort that wasn't Qibli.


   I just wanted to have some fun with Winter and everyone else but after I made a reply to Winter's simple statement he looked hurt but I thought that he was gonna get it over with soon. We were walking with Winter being at the farthest right and that made me kinda sad because he was usually right beside me talking about stuff that he admires or complaining about something. I then saw Winter bump into a really thick wall that was really easy to see. "Ow!" Winter said. Everyone including I the began to laugh at him at his mistake and when I was about to walk to him to help him he said something that broke my heart to pieces. "I just realized I had something to do." Winter said meanwhile his eyes were really glossy like he was gonna start crying. He then started started to cry and run away. He then started to fly away and I was gonna go after him but something inside of me said not to. Maybe it was my conscious or maybe it was guit but something was. I then turned to everyone else and they also looked quilty. "We didn't mean to." Kinkajou said drooping and turning into a blue-ish color. We then agreed and continued to look around with sill guilt in mind. I was wondering around thinking of ways to apologize to him. 'How do I apologize to Winter for laughing a him? Will he say sorry to me? I hope stops crying.' I was thinking until I bumped into a door. I then grunted and opened the door. Inside the room looked like it was meant for a Seawing. I guess they could've had an alliance with the Seawings since there wasn't any other typical other way to understand what is happening at the outside world. I thought that the room was very lavish and that Anemone or Winter would want to have a room like this. Anemone what seems like she adores shiny and Winter would definitely like this since he never had the chance when younger. Oh how I was so mean to him earlier. How would he ever be happy around me again?

{|~That is all and have a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night and good bye or have a cya later 'till next time on reading~|}

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