Chapter 12

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{|~Sorry for not posting yesterday but I hope guys will enjoy the Chapters!~|}


It was a new day and I had chemistry for first period. I was walking alone since Winter said that he wanted to relax at the underground lake that I didn't realize was here, so I was just walking alone and when I made it to chemistry I saw Moon panicking and crying. I was about to ask her what was wrong when there was a loud bang. I closed my eyes on instinct and I was hit with things that definitely hurts and my ears were ringing because it was so loud.

As I opened my eyes and realized what the situation was and that there were still dragons in there, I ran into the room to see Kinkajou under a shelf. I pushed the shelf of her and grabbed her. I then saw Peril dragging Carnelian outside. The 'Dragonets of Destiny' then arrived and took care of the situation quickly.

After everything was situated we went to visit Kinkajou at the nurse office since she was taken there immediately after the accident.


I was flying back quickly when I heard that Kinkajou got injured. I was actually getting quite used to her and enjoyed having her loud voice because it made me happy that someone else beside Qibli enjoyed my presence and we actually had quite the same preference like liking men and such.

I finally made it to the Nurse office and went inside the cove Kinkajou was in. I entered and saw her injured. I went to sit next to her and while waiting I fell asleep.


I finally made it to her cove after searching and saw that she was still sleeping with just a couple scratches on her. I then realized that Winter was sleeping next to her, so I pointed it out to Moon so that both of us would be quite as they both were sleeping.

I was wondering how Winter able to make it here before me? How did he even hear that Kinkajou got injured? I know that it has been a couple hours but I didn't know news spread this fast. I guess though that he does consider her as a friend and that Winter is a true friend. I smiled at him as I gently shook him. He woke up with a droopy face and shook his head. He looked at me and waved at me with a small smile on his face. I swear that was the most cutest smile I've ever seen on him.

{|~Sorry for short chapter but I need to finish the other one as well.~|}


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