Chapter 20

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{|~I prefer reading~|}


We were back at the rainforest and me and Winter shared a guest tree house to sleep in. I snuggle with Winter and he purrs in response. "Good night Winter." I told Winter then kiss him a goodnight kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight Qibli." Winter responded meanwhile snuggling closer to me. We then both went to sleep for the night.


I woke up when the sun was just coming up. I then see the position I'm in and blushed. I was being held by Qibli and his arm was over me. I moved his arm to not disturb him and also so that we don't get caught. I walk to the door and open it then fly away to see the town. I saw dragons setting up tents and some dragons waking up. I then flew deeper to the rainforest and then saw a lake and decided to fly to it. I landed next to the lake and sat near the water. I was just relaxing when a dragon came out which scared me I guess. I then realize that it was just Turtle. "Turtle you scared me." I told him and he apologized for scaring me. I just accept his apology and continue to look deeper in the lake. "The lake looks so pretty. What does the lake look like inside?" I asked Turtle. "It's pretty clear and the fishes are bright-colored as well as pretty dangerous." He told me. I smirked as the water has always made me intrigued. "As expected, very beautiful but yet very dangerous. I love water!" I said and Turtle gave me a concerned look but it was soon overcame by a look of acceptance. I then remember something and ask Turtle about it. "Are you and Kinkajou a thing?" I ask him and he looks at me in disbelief with some blush on his face. "Uhm yes... I MEAN NO!" He half-heartedly yelled in my ear. "Jeez I get it. You and Kinkajou are a thing. Can you though tell me how you guys became a thing?" I asked him. He turned his head to see if anyone was near and he saw nothing I suppose when he nodded his head. "Alright but keep this a secret alright." He said with some blush on his face. 'Whisper' I made an 'O' face when he told me. "That is quite intriguing." I said with an amused smile on my face. "You promised not to tell anyone ok so no telling." He said with a blushing stern face. I just nod my head and wave him a goodbye as I fly away. I fly back to the guest tree house and see Qibli on the balcony. "Good morning Qibli." I told him when I landed on the balcony. "Good morning Winter." He waved to me with a charming smile that can swoon over me anytime. I smile back to him and he looks around like Turtle did to check if anyone was near. I assume he saw nobody when he started to walk to me a give me a peck on the lips. I blush and walk back. I then hit the gate and stop walking backwards. I then walk back to him and give him a quick peck on his lips and fly away. "Bye Qibli!" I yell to him as I fly away quickly to fly away from the embarrassment.


Winter pecked my lips which stun me but then he started to fly away. "Bye Qibli!" He yelled to me like he was flying away from the scene. I smile after recovery and I think I fell even more for him if not. I will one day help you from your nightmare so that you could always be the happy dragon that I know now.

{|~That is it for today and I just realized I posted twice today which was a mistake so whoops. But I do hope you guys have a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night and goodbye or cya later 'till tomorrow~|}

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