Chapter One

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

You know whats crazy about puzzles?

What's crazy about them is after you spend hours on hours sprawled out on your bedroom floor figuring out the picture and finding the matching pieces to it you start to lose faith that maybe you can't finish it.

You finally collected enough power and strength to finish it and all you need is the last piece...but you can't find it, its gone and is no where to be found. So here you are with a picture waiting to be filled and all you need is that one tiny piece to complete it.

You never find that piece and the puzzle has been sitting in your room incomplete for a couple months now, a constant reminder that I was almost there...almost complete, but failed.

I read in a book a long time ago something similar about puzzles:

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

So why can't I find this stupid piece!

I stopped glaring at my unfinished puzzle in the corner of my room and fell back onto my bed in an angry huff. God, if I wasn't such a freak about finishing that ridiculous puzzle I would have been out of my room by now. Instead I was lying with my eyes closed contemplating if I should start the search party again for that missing puzzle piece.

Maybe the box was a defect and it never had one to begin with. I shook my head, the freak I was I counted all those pieces to make sure every single last one was there.

"MISTY! MISTY COME OUT TESS'S GOT TAKE OUT!" I heard my best friend Chrishell call out.

My eyes fluttered open and my body automatically lurched forward in my bed. Wherever there was takeout, there was Misty. I quickly slipped on my favorite bunny slippers my auntie Jacquline gave to me for my 19th birthday that I wear every single day after a long day of school and work and headed for the door.

I flung the door to my room open and headed straight for the food. I knew exactly what Tess got me, glazed honey wings with shrimp and fried rice. Just the thought of it made my mouth water.

Alexandra tapped my hand as I lunged for my portion of the meal and tisked. "Misty, at least thank Tess for going and getting us food." She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned.

I pouted. "Sorry, Alex." I apologized and looked over to Tessly who was smirking as she watched us bicker.

"Thank you, Tess." I acknowledged her.

She let out a laugh that she seemed to have kept in along with her smirk and threw some napkins at me.

"Why does it always seem that you only come out when there is food and nothing else?" She asked curiously as she handed me my box of food.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you not hear your own question...come" I said.

Chrishell was in the kitchen and she appeared with four china plates for us to put our food on. She handed us one each and we thanked her gratefully. After we all grabbed our food, forks, and drinks Tess and I took a spot on the love seat, Chrissy and Alex took seats on opposite recliners.

A random movie was playing on the television and we all watched it together. It's crazy to think we're all best friends now. I mean excluding Chrishell we've been friends since we were little kids. But here we were Alexandra, Tessly, Chrishell, and I enjoying a nice movie with take out in our college apartment.

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