Chapter Seven

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

It was silent as Jenna ushered those words to Alex who was standing so still if you hit her with a baseball bat across her head I doubt she would have flinched. I could feel the tension in the room as everyone held their breaths.

"It's so funny you're the one calling me that, Jenna." She said softly.

Jenna began to laugh but was cut short by Jenna's outburst.


The force that came out of her when she said was enough for me to take in a sharp breath. I looked over to Tess who was looking at Alex like she's never seen her before. This was true. Alex, she was always nice, bubbly, sweet, and generous to everyone she meets. But this Alex she was different. She was bad-ass, mad, and ready to fight at the first punch.

We all waited for what Jenna was going to do. She seemed surprised by the little outburst she got from Alex, but immediately covered it up with a smile.

"If you think you can push past me...try." Jenna said as if Alex wouldn't do it. She crossed her arms over her chest. Alexandra didn't need to be told twice she shoved Jenna out of the way pushing her perky body off to the side as she stormed out of the house. It was dead silent in the movie room you could hear a pin drop.

Jenna picked herself up quickly trying to recover herself from the push. She gave us all death glares but stopped right at me. I wasn't going to let a white bitch push me around that was one thing about me, I may be shy around groups of people, but if you dare to humiliate me anywhere I won't hesitate but shut your shit down. Alex was my best friend she needed to be protected by all three of us so what good is a wimp who backs down from a fight? I stared her down with my eyes making sure she was uncomfortable.

After a while she looked away from me. She moved away from Jayden and walked around the room to where the rest of the guys were. The moved back at impulse to her.

"So what were you guys doing in here?" She asked.

Ron scoffed like it was joke or something and responded. "Uh...we were feeding cats what do you think we were doing...twister." He pointed to the mat we were all sitting on now. She snarled a little, took a quick look to Jayden and dropped her bag on the nearest chair available.

"Whatever I want to play." She said throwing off her coat.

"I'm leaving." I said abruptly getting off the floor and grabbing my jacket bag and swiftly heading for the door.

"Yea, me too Alex is my best friend and I can't stay in a place where she's going to be disrespected like that." Chrishell got up grabbed her things and walked over to my side. Tess got up as well and gave the boys a sad look but in a more of "how could you tolerate her?" and we all left without another word.

I could hear Chase curse for the back and say, "Really, Jen what the hell is wrong with you!" I didn't even smile at his sudden realization because it took someone to get hurt for him to get it. Hopefully the guys got as well.

Outside we found Alex standing in the cold a block or two away from the house. We immediately comforted her.

"Alex." We just hugged her because I knew everyone found the term "Are you okay?" annoying. Like, no she wasn't okay she stormed out of the house. She took in our hugs and I could tell she was holding back tears. She shuffled inside her sweater pocket and threw Chrishell the keys to her car.

"You guys go on without me, I just need a little time to think." She told us.

We all gave her an outraged look.

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