Chapter Forty-Eight

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-Jenna's P.O.V.-

"This year at Alpha Chi Omega wasn't exactly how I planned for it to be, we did lose our spot as number one party sorority to Zeta Theta Nu." I almost spat at saying their name. I couldn't even believe myself how I allowed my group to be pushed down to priority number two, in just a matter of months.

My Alpha girls listened to me intently as I spoke, this was our last meeting until I was going to let everyone off for summer vacation and I knew how anxious they were to get out of here and off to wherever they were going to get their fake tans. But I came first since I was the president of this lovely establishment and they were going to stay until I had my last word.

"Next year I hope you all will put a great amount of effort into making us number one again, I will not lose to the Zeta's again!" I said.

The girls fearfully nodded their heads.

I smiled. "You're all are dismissed, have a great summer." They all got up and left quickly heading in all different directions, some grabbing suitcases, others grabbing swimsuits, most of them heading out.

I was giving myself some time before I left and headed up towards my bedroom but stopped when I heard noises coming from one of the girl's room. I would have ignored it if it had sounded like regular noises that people would make when they are packing and ready to go on vacation, but right it sounded to me like someone was having a little bit too much fun in there with an unidentified source.

I switched my path right over to the room, not caring who it was or what they were doing because I made the rules around here.

I barged in not surprised to see little slutty Sara getting her brains fucked out by some black guy who had an insanely huge belt.

Caught in the act Sara snarled over at me. "What the fuck are you doing, get out!" She yelled.

I smiled. "This is my sorority Sara, I'll get the fuck out when you tell your guest to leave you know they are not allowed up here." I said to her.

She flipped me off.

I put my up hands. "Hey, if you want to fuck your life away be my guest...but do it somewhere else, okay." I looked over at the guy who was giving me an unreadable stare, and with that I turned back around, being the rude bitch that I was I left the door open on purpose.

"Fucking Bitch!" I heard Sara's voice yell from over the room and that filled my face with a smile. It was always a pleasure to make someone's day more miserable than mine. It made my life feel more...fulfilling.

I headed into my room closing the door behind me and slid into my desk where I casually browsed the internet and waited for 3'o clock to come. Some would ask me why I was waiting for that time to come, and it was a simple answer really.

I knew at 3'o clock Jayden and his "buddies" went out and played basketball by the park. It was the time I'd get doll'd up in pumps and a really short skirt and accidentally happen to be there. Some might think it was my pathetic excuse to get Jayden back.

I scoffed to myself.

I had better plans. So when I noticed the digital clock beside my desk flick and change to 3, I quickly hopped into my closet picking out a black leather, mini skirt, a matching crop top and a pair of cute heels. I walked over to the mirror and casually circled around admiring my physique. I couldn't lie to myself, I looked hot.

I slapped on some bright pink lipstick and headed out the door. As I left I noticed Sara and her unidentified friend was gone, which was good because I hated repeating myself. When Jenna repeated herself all hell broke loose.

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