Chapter Thirty-Five

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-Alexandra's P.O.V.-

I didn't always think I had strong feelings for Wes as I did now. At first, I was at the denial stage. I was so stuck on the idea that I couldn't "date" or "be with" some guy because of my really bad history with guys and how they treated me. I don't think I could ever get rid of the memories brought back to me in high school, which was part of the reason I couldn't sleep sometimes at night.

I kind of assumed I was the kind of person who thought I could play the single game all throughout college, or at least until I felt comfortable with myself and left the past behind me. But that was something that always seemed to crawl back into my life whenever I didn't want to.

Wes and I have been together for a while and the rest of the group didn't know about what was going on between us. I wasn't ashamed or anything, I was far from that. I loved Wes as mine, I mean being in a relationship was still something new to me and I didn't want to mess it up. Wes was walking me to my bio medical class around the lawn of ISU, the air was clean and fresh, opening up to the Spring season approaching.

Spring approaching was a great thing because the air was warm now and we could finally fill up the pool in the sorority. To me, Spring was a fresh beginning and start to the new chapter of my life.

"Can you believe we are already in Spring?" Wes said flipping his hair away from his face.

I groaned, "Don't remind means we only have two more years before we graduate." I said holding on tighter to my science book. The thought of saying good-bye to all my friends made my eyes fill with water. I didn't want to let this go.

Wes glanced at me for a moment, "Don't worry about it, I know were all going to be pretty close anyway." He said comfortingly.

I smiled, walking a bit closer to him and just enjoyed the beautiful day while going to class with my boyfriend.

As we walked my gaze once-over-ed a blonde figure passing beside me. My eyes met with Jenna's and I frowned, she smirked and blew a kiss. I caught in, ripped it, and threw it to the ground all the while taking purposeful steps all over it.

She flipped me off. I flipped my hair away from her and continued walking on my way.

If Wes noticed the little encounter, he didn't say anything about it, which was something that I liked about him, he just left things alone.

We stopped once we entered the building my class was being held in.

"Are you coming to pick me up?" I asked him.

He shook his head, I got work, but I'll come see you later." He said.

I nodded, we stopped there awkwardly for a moment before we both shyly leaned into each other and kissed.

I felt his warm gentle lips press onto mine, and suddenly it didn't feel so awkward anymore. Right now I was caught up in all his warm kindness and love, it left butterflies tingling in my stomach even after the kiss was done and I waved to him goodbye.

I felt like a new person ready to take on the world. Everything was fine even if it was just for the moment, all that mattered was that it was good now.


"Bianca move the buckets to the left!" I called out to Bianca who followed my order and moved the empty, sponge-filled bucket to the left side of the yard.

"Alex, where do I put these?" Maria asked me holding up an arm full of towels.

I pointed to the table on the right, "On those tables, they are for the cars." I replied.

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