Chapter Thirty

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

"So your mom is my boss?" Larz asked me. He handed me a cup of steaming hot tea in a cute kitten mug he pulled out from the cabinet and I took it gratefully. His place was really nice. It wasn't too flashy but it had its little expensive tastes here and there. I set my mug on the counter where I was seated at to allow it cool and looked around in fascination, the place really was styled to perfection.

" mother has had the record label since I was a kid." I stated to him turning my gaze and focusing on him. He was leaning against the fridge holding a cup of coffee for himself and watching me with a steady gaze.

"You don't seem so excited about that." His face lifted up in a tiny smirk, indicating that he was amused at where the direction of this conversation was going to lead.

I grabbed my mug and held it against the palms of my hand, regardless of the fact that it was hot and my hands were turning pink under its heat. It felt warm to my body and settled me for the time being.

I took a tiny sip of the tea, careful not to burn the tip of my tongue in the process.

"Me and my mother...don't get along too well, we are like complete opposites." I said.

His eyebrows arched at the statement I made and made no question to that.

"She looks like you, you know?" He asked me.

I gave him a look: 'oh please' but he nodded frantically like it was true.
"You have high-cheekbones, your eyes....the same type of intimidating stare." He said staring a bit off into space. I took a deeper sip of my tea ignoring the burning of the hot liquid down my throat if It could drown out Lazaro speaking of my mother right now, I'd do it again and again.

He probably noticed I wasn't having anymore heart to hearts about my mother, he quickly changed the subject which was something I appreciated about him. He knew exactly when to turn the lights on turn them back on.

"How's everything in Indiana?" He asked me setting his coffee mug down into the sink clearly finished with it. I was always a slow drinker. I liked to take my time with drinks, mainly because I wanted to savor the taste and this tea was really good.

I shrugged. "Same old same old, I wish I could say everything is different but its not you have a much more exciting life here in LA then I do back at home." I said taking another sip of tea. I tapped my fingernails lightly on the granite table tops.

Larz scoffed lightly, "Please all I do in LA is work, sleep, and work some more It's hard being an artists I kind of miss working back at the coffee shop with you, everything was a lot more laid-back there." He confessed.
I rolled my eyes. "Thats a little hard for me to believe when you're basically in a penthouse suite in Los Angeles." I said to him.

He smiled but at that moment Red appeared, in her mouth was an unlit cigarette and an empty glass that seemed was filled with a lot of dark liquid. As soon as she noticed the people in the kitchen she popped out the cigarette and held it between her index finger and thumb. She smiled a little wickedly. "Oh-Larz you're back." She said.

"Yea, I know Misty." He said gesturing to me.

She nodded towards me. "I'm familiar." She said to him.

"Need something?" He asked her.

"As a matter of fact I do, another bottle of anything that makes me dizzy and a lighter." She said setting her glass down and heading on a search for the two items on her list.

"Maryland, ya really need to lay off the drinks and smoking its not good for you." Larz warned her.

She waved him off. "It's Red to you Lazaro...and a couple of cigarettes and drinks aren't gonna kill me so silent, babe." She blew him a kiss as she searched the cabinet fiercely for some contents.

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