Chapter Two

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

The morning of Saturday came and I headed straight for work. Tess said we wouldn't be meeting the guys until the afternoon, which was great because today was pay day for me and that meant shopping. I worked downtown at a busy coffee shop called BEND N' GRIND it was a cute and cozy setting and it was always filled with people from the morning to the nighttime, so I always had something to do when I walked through the doors.

I pushed open the double doors of the coffee shop and as predicted there were people waiting on a semi-large line, impatiently awaiting their heavenly drinks. I couldn't lie the coffee here was amazing. I didn't know if it was the beans or something, but even as I made it something about it was addicting, flavorful, and full of life. I'd come here every morning on my way to school to grab my ice-blended no-whip mocha with soy milk coffee to last the rest of the day.

One of the guys that worked there with me that went by the name of Lazaro looked up at me and smiled with relief. He was a real sweet white guy; he was pretty slim but had built structure, he had hazel eyes that reminded me of stain-less steel, and he had gel'd dark hair that never moved despite the change in wind speed. I walked over to the employee's only door and passed him slowly as I flashed him a smile.

"Thank God you're here, Mist...I don't think I can handle this whole line myself." He told me.

I touched my heart. "That makes me feel so appreciated." I said giving him my best crying face, which wasn't all that good but he laughed at my failed attempt. I quickly headed to the back and threw my stuff aside while grabbing my complementary Bend N' Grind blue apron and black hat with the logo of coffee beans being smashed. I quickly washed my hands and put on some disposable gloves and opened a line beside Lazaro. Half the line divided and came over to me; I immediately got straight to it.

I wasn't going to lie these people's orders were crazy and demanding but I kept up to it. I had a crazy memory when it came to orders and the customer only had to say it once and it would be done with the sprinkles on the top. So it wasn't unusual that I was breaking my line within 10 minuets since I began.

"I still don't know how you do it, Misty." Lazaro shook his head in disbelief that I finished my line before his. He was looking down at a coffee cup writing down the order as the lady calmly spoke it.

I took his other two waiting customers as he got to that.

"I don't know...I just kind of have to hear it once to get it." I replied as I listened to a man's order before I got to it.

I think the thing about my listening once and getting it was the I was easily irritated when I have to repeat myself when I'm speaking. But I partially blame myself for that because I tend to mumble when I'm around unfamiliar people and such and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

A couple more minuets passed and the crazy line was out and satisfied. Lazaro let out a big breath and leaned against the counter top. He folded his arms across his chest as he looked over at me.

"Are you that tired, Larz?" I asked him sarcastically.

He smirked, "Me...never." He shook his head in dismay.

I laughed, letting my arms rest on one of the coffee machines. "I'm just happy today is payday...I've been dying to get a new outfit for the past week." I said to him.

He nodded in agreement, "This month's rent was coming so that's good." He commented.

Lazaro was a starving musician, he sang, played the electric and acoustic guitar and he was pretty darn good on it, I wonder why no one has discovered him yet. I heard him play a couple times in the shop and it was cute and sweet which reflected his personality perfectly. I wish I could say the same for his girlfriend Valeriea, she manipulated and used his poor heart and although I hated to say it but Larz was pretty stupid for not seeing it. She was like poison to him and on various occasions I would hint to him that maybe Valeriea wasn't the best choice of women but he still didn't get it. So now watching him get that lost look in his eyes that I knew all to well that was associated with problems with the girlfriend, I couldn't help but hint at him again.

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