Chapter Forty-Nine

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

"The Beginning?"

I nodded. "The beginning, you know the start of a story, where it all began." I replied to him.

My mother scoffed, "She has a thing for sarcasm, just wanted to let you know." My mother chimed in.

Allen cleared his throat and looked down at the floor for a moment before he began to speak.

"Well...I was about 25 when I met your mother at this jazz type club." He started.

My mother rolled her eyes, "First of all it was a regular club, and if anything it was R&B themed...that's what I sang." She interjected.

I cut my mother a glance so that Allen could continue to speak despite his poor understanding of music genres. Allen seemed like the type to keep his nose in a book rather than his ears plugged in with music. I wondered how my mother and him got along back then. They were two different people.

My mother noticed my intense stare and fixed the bag she had on her lap quieting herself in the process. I allowed Allen to continue speaking, he seemed somewhat...amused at the relationship between my mother and I and it was creeping me out.

"Anyway, I was at the club getting a couple of drinks and while I was doing that I couldn't help but hear an amazingly beautiful voice behind me singing..." His eyes cut briefly to my mother. She wasn't looking at him, more like she was looking outside like she wanted to be anywhere but here. I was getting a mixed feeling that he was trying to win her affection by what he said, but my mother didn't seem the least bit fazed by his words.

"I turned around and that's when I saw Eveline-your mother. I listened to her sing the entire night. I'd come back almost daily just to hear her. Then one night we finally met each other...our eyes locked from across the stage and later on I got speak to her. We became quite familiar with each other." He said familiar in way that could only mean one thing. God, this was embarrassing. But I wanted to know, I had to know why this happened between my parents.

"I was a bit dishonest with your mother when I met her...I neglected to tell her that-." He was cut off by my mother.

"You were married and had a child." My interrupted him again.

I glared at my mother. "Let him speak, will you?" I said to her.

She arched her eyebrow, "Can't help it, I get so fired up when I hear this story it's like I'm reliving it again." She said sarcastically.

Allen chuckled. "I see where she gets the sarcasm from." He said to my mother.

We both looked at him seriously and he cleared his throat for the second time.

"The point is that I was dishonest with her and eventually it resulted in you. I made stupid selfish mistakes and only thought about myself..." He trailed off and looked away.

I nodded, "I get it...I was a mistake, I know I've lived with that realization my entire life no need to rehash it." I said to him.

He turned to me abruptly and his eyes widened at what I said but before he could speak my mother spoke, catching me off guard with what she said.

"I never regretted you in my life, Misty. Was I unhappy that I was pregnant? Yes. But that doesn't mean that I didn't want you." She said.

I turned to her and saw for once in my life her eyes spilling with sincerity. It was something rare I saw in her, something almost forbidden, something I only dreamed about. It was weird seeing her rustic brown eyes twinkle and dart at every part of my face in disbelief and what I was surprised to see was...sadness.

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