Chapter ten

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Olivia's pov

(Long) Flashback - 13 November 2020

It's been a week since Matt and I broke up, I'm still living in Max's apartment which is nice. I haven't really left the apartment for days now, and I'm taking a few days off work because I can't focus right now. I have decided to go home to the Netherlands for a few days, because I don't wanna be here right now, and Max are in Turkey for the Turkish grand prix anyway.

I flew home to stay with dad for a few days, he was happy that I came to visit out of nowhere, he still didn't know about the breakup, and I was kinda afraid to tell him, because I knew how mad he would get, I knew he would love to beat the crap out of him.

It was a short flight from Monaco to the Netherlands, when I arrived at the airport dad waited for me, and then we drove to his house. The drive there wasn't that long, which was great. "Is something bothering you Olivia?" Dad asked as I was sitting in the passenger seat staring out of the window, looking at my beautiful birthcounty. I turned my head to look at him. "I'm alright" .. "Are you sure, you seem to be a bif off?" he said while turning down on the road where his house is. "I'm sure," I said with a fake smile.

Still in the flashback: Jos's pov:

I turned off the engine as I had parked the car in my garage, Olivia went to grab her suitcase and then we walked inside my house. She walked to her childhood bedroom where she unpacked her suitcase. While she unpacked I ordered some lunch for us to eat, she must be starving, well I am anyways.

Lunch had arrived and I walked to my daughters bedroom, I gently knocked on the door and opened it as she let me inside. "Olivia, lunch is ready" I said and smiled, as I saw her being inside this room again, it made me happy, I miss having my kids home.

We sat down at the dining table where we ate some pasta for lunch. We always order pasta. It's very tasty. I swear her behavior was weird, she wasn't herself, something is wrong, I know my daughter very well. She have been here for hours now, and haven't made a stupid joke yet, which is unusual for her, she is always the first to make a joke and make everyone laugh, but not this time. I observed her over lunch where we talked a bit about different things.

As we finished lunch we sat in front of the fireplace which was nice because of the bad weather. "Olivia, please tell me if somethings wrong, I can feel it," I said and looked into her eyes, which didn't light up the room as usual. "Everythings wrong, I have been so stupid, I trusted the wrong human and now I'm all alone and broken!" she said and covered her eyes with her hands. It broke my heart seeing my daughter like this, whatever was wrong was serious..

"What happened?" I pulled her into my arms. "It's Matt he- he cheated on me, then we broke up.." she said while her voice cracked a little, a tear rolled down her cheek. "he did what!!" I said, the blood inside me was almost boiling over, I was furious. "He will pay for that, Olivia I promise you! You deserve better than him, he's a fucking asshole!" I hugged her tighter, I couldn't believe what she told me. That man has always been her rock, her biggest supporter, her great love, everyone alive could see that. He and I have gotten along very well, and I know him like he was my second son, he was family! What a fucking idiot, I hate him.

Olivia didn't tell me much about what happened, I don't have to know anyway, but he will have to pay for this, no one shall ever break my daughters heart.

Over the next many hours, Olivia was in her room alone which was what she wanted, I accepted it and stayed away, until she wanted to talk. I talked to Max, he was angry as well. I also talked to Sophie about it. I don't really talk with her a lot, but I felt she had to know. She decided to fly to us and be with Olivia, she might need her mother right now even though their relationship isn't the best.

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