Chapter seventy-nine

272 6 11

August 2024

Olivia's PoV:

Charles parked the car and then went to get the door for me. We then walked together into the outdoor area where our wedding party takes place. It was beautifully decorated and it looked like something that I could only dream of. - All our guests arrived and they welcomed us with clapping and lots of noises, it was fantastic. They all looked so happy, which made us even happier, knowing they were here just for us.

We walked up to the table where our beautiful big wedding cake was placed, and then lots of champagne and something else for those who didn't drink. - Charles got everyone's attention and then started to speak. "Hi everyone, Olivia and I just wanna welcome you all here today to our wedding, and thank each one of you for coming. It means the world to us that you'll like to be here, so thanks" he smiled. "And then we wanna say if you have any speeches you have to talk to my brother Max, he's the toastmaster so he's the one you need to talk to! We are now having some cake and something to drink, and then in a little over an hour we're heading to the tables to eat" I smiled.

Then Charles and I took the knife and cut the cake together which I guess is a tradition. We then got a taste of the cake and it was literally so good, I'd never tasted a cake like this before. We then handed out a piece of cake to everyone else, and then we took our glasses. "Let's quickly raise a glass to Charles and Olivia" Daniel said out loud, so that's what everyone did. Which was so cute. "To us" Charles smiled and looked at me. "To us" I smiled then we took a sip of the champagne and then we shared a kiss. - We were now just going around talking a bit with everyone here, everyone was talking and it was really nice.

"Welcome to the married club now!" Isa smiled and looked Charles and I. "Thank you, it feels really good!" I laughed. "It does, right?" Carlos asked. "Definitely, we've been married for what now? 2 hours, and it literally feels so amazing" Charles laughed. "I agree" I smiled and looked at him as he looked at me.

We talked a bit with everyone, it was so nice seeing everyone again. Also some of my family from the Netherlands and Belgium I haven't seen for such a long time, I was so happy everyone was gathered here together. - After quite a long time we all walked to where the reception and party will take place. It was still outdoors, and it was decorated beautifully. It had lots of big round tables, flowers and hanging lights everywhere. - Then we got seated at our table which was a table with our parents and our siblings plus their partners.

After we had eaten the first meal it was around 18.15, and it was time for some of the speeches. The first one to give a speech was my dad. So he stood up from his chair and everyone else turned their eyes on him and didn't say anything. Then he began to speak.

"I guess I should be the first one to say a few words, today is a momentous day for me as a father, as I watch my beautiful daughter marry the love of her life. As I stand here today, I am filled with so much joy and gratitude. - I remember when Olivia was just a little girl, a little girl with big dreams and an even bigger heart. She was and still are always so kind and compassionate, with a contagious smile that would light up any room. Watching her grow into the incredible woman and mother she is today, has been the greatest privilege of my life.. As I look at her now, standing in front of us all in her stunning wedding dress, I am filled with pride and admiration. She has accomplished so much, both personally and professionally, and I know that she will continue to achieve great things in the years to come.. To Olivia and Charles, I want to say that I am thrilled to see the love and commitment you have for each other. You are both such amazing individuals, and together, you make a truly remarkable couple. I have no doubt that your love will continue to grow and flourish, and that you will have a long and happy life together" he said and held a little break.

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