Chapter thirty-seven

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Charles's pov:
January 2022

Once again I woke up before Olivia, this pregnancy makes her sleep so much, but it's fine, she needs it, before we know it there will be a little baby keeping us up all night, so we better get all the sleep we can before it's too late..

I quietly walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where I turned on the morning news. I like watching this whenever I wake up, it's quite nice.

I then walked over to the kitchen where I turned on the coffee machine, walked to the fridge to take the milk, while opening the fridge I looked at the ultrasound pictures hanging there, it made me smile. The fact that I'm gonna be someone's father in a few months is making me excited, but at the same time very scared. If it was up to me we would not have this kid right now, but it's Olivia's body and her choice, so I just have to support that and be happy about it. Plus we all know whenever the baby will be born, I'm gonna love it so much, it's just weird for me right now to imagine my life with a kid already.

"Good Morning" I heard Olivia saying from behind, so I turned around and saw the beauty of my girlfriend. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" I asked and gave her a morning kiss. "I'm good, but I could really use one of those!" she said and pointed at the coffee I had just made for myself. "Oh nope, you can't drink that while being pregnant!" I said and smiled to tease her. "Oh dammit, I guess it's boring tea again today then.." she said. "I guess so, but it was worth the try, I will go over here and drink my delicious coffee then" I laughed. "Don't tease me mr. Leclerc, just go drink your coffee before you regret making it!"she said sarcastically, while laughing.

After our morning coffee and tea, we got ready for the day and started to pack our suitcases. Tonight we are flying to the Netherlands to stay for a few days, we decided to take a little trip to Amsterdam, so I was quite excited for that, and Olivia was excited to go back to her birth country, it must be hard being away from your birth country all the time, I myself cannot imagine living anywhere else than Monaco, since I was born and grew up here.

The day went by fast, we packed our suitcases, chilled and I went to have a little workout earlier. But it was now time to drive to Nice airport. The drive there isn't bad at all, it takes around forty five minutes if there's traffic. "Are you ready to leave? got everything?" I asked as I closed my suitcase for good. "I guess so," she said and smiled.

We then headed down to my car and drove all the way to Nice. On the way we listened to some music and sang along with it, we heard lots of Coldplay since it's the best band on the planet, and I have finally turned Olivia into a little Coldplay fan! What's not to like?

We got into the plane where we of course were sitting in first class. Olivia had a window seat and I was right next to her. Something I love about firstclass is that you only sit two people together instead of three, because no one likes the damn middle seat.

The plane began to drive fast and before we could think we had no ground underneath us anymore, after a short while we were all the way up and could take our seatbelts off, so we did. I then ordered some snacks for us and something to drink, then we watched a movie together on my laptop. It was a short but really good flight.

We arrived at the hotel located in the heart of Amsterdam, it was quite late so we decided to find a restaurant, get some food and then head back home to bed.

We found an Italian restaurant near the hotel which looked amazing, so we went inside and got a table. "this place looks good" I said and opened the menu card. "Actually it does," she said and smiled. We opened the menu card and I was so confused. "Ehm, don't they have a translated one?" I laughed looking confused at all the pages, everything was in Dutch and I understood nothing. "I can translate it for you," Olivia laughed. "Thanks love" I said. She started to translate just about everything on the menu. We both decided to go with a pasta dish each.. Olivia ordered the food since it was easier because she actually spoke the language, I guess it's always good to have a local with you.

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