Chapter twenty-two

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Olivia's pov:
August 2021

"Do you have everything babe?" I asked while struggling to close my suitcase which was filled. "Almost" he said and put the last bits and pieces in his suitcase. Today we were going home to the Netherlands, which I have been so excited for.

We left Charles apartment where we are most of the time, I can't actually remember when I last was at my own place.. Well we left to drive to the airport where our flight was flying us directly to Amsterdam, the flight was great. We had first class tickets so everything was amazing, the flight was about two hours and a few minutes, so nothing bad at all.. We had rented a car so we could drive all the way from Amsterdam to my hometown. The drive there was about three hours, so we had a little road trip ahead of us.

I drove the entire way there since I have driven this way hundreds of times. And I felt like Charles could use a tiny break from driving cars, he was indeed up for that. "You are an excellent driver" he said and smiled. "Yeah, what can I say, it's in my blood" I laughed, which he did too. "Shall we listen to some music?" I asked. "Definitely, what about Coldplay?!" Charles said eagerly. "Sure" I laughed, that man is the biggest Coldplay fan, it's really cute.
We listened to a lot of Coldplay, and sang along to songs like paradise, fix you, viva la Vida and all the good ones. I must admit it didn't sound good, but we had fun with our little carpool karaoke.

"We're here!" I said and parked the car in the big driveway, it was my dad's house. We are spending the entire week here at his house, because that was the easiest.. "ahh what a beautiful house" Charles said and opened the trunk so we could get out suitcases.
"Yeah, just wait till I give you the full tour of this town" I said and smiled, I can't wait!

We walked up to the big wooden front door, and knocked a few times until the door opened.
"Olivia, Charles so good to see ya! Come inside" dad said and pulled me into a hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek, he hugged Charles too.
We walked inside and it smelled like being home, there's always a familiar and homely smell in your childhood house.. "The bedroom is set for you, why don't you go up with your bags and then meet me in the garden?" He asked and smiled, he was so happy it was cute.. "Yeah sure, we'll be right down! Thanks dad" I said and then we walked towards the stairs that lead us to the second floor, where we walked into my childhood bedroom.

We changed clothes because it was really hot today, and we had way too much clothes on. Then we walked down to the garden where we got greeted by dad's new dog, named cooper. Don't ask about the name.
"So how's everything?" Dad asked as we sat down around the table with some ice cold sodas.
"It's good" I shortly said, Charles gave me a look because he knew I was lying.. "Well Charles' face tells something different, Olivia?!" He said and looked at me with a serious look.

"It's alright, I mean I'm happy and live a good life. But.. I miss having contact with Max and mom.." I said and looked down. "What? Does mom not even approve this?!!" He said, gosh I thought I already told him that.. "ehm- no she doesn't, she's on Max's side" I answered. He looked disappointed.
"She is your mother for god sake, she can't be like that!" He said.. "Well, I dunno.." I shortly said, for a minute I wished that I just had just shut my mouth for once, we haven't been here for an hour and I have already managed to make him pissed, great.

"Let's not talk about it dad, I'm fine" I said trying to change the subject, but that wasn't the case.
"What does your family say about this relationship here?" Dad asked Charles. "They are very supportive," he said and smiled. They of course had something against Max as well, since they are huge rivals..
"Yeah they are the best, his mother Pascale is amazing! And his brothers Lorenzo and Arthur are so funny and sweet!" I said excitedly. His family is so great.
"Thank god! Our family can be something else" dad said. "I can imagine.." Charles said..

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