Chapter sixty-three

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Olivia's pov:
May 2023

I had just landed in the beautiful city of Miami, where I'm gonna be attending the Miami Grand prix, and I'm so excited for it. But what I'm most excited about is the person I'm seeing very soon. - So I quickly found my luggage and then got a taxi to the hotel which wasn't far away from the airport. On the way I looked out of the car window and I was amazed by the beautiful city with palm trees everywhere, the lovely beach and the beautiful tall buildings. It was stunning.

I arrived at the hotel and got checked in, it went smoothly. Then I took the elevator to the 9th floor, normally I would have walked all the way up there since I have this huge fear of elevators, but I must admit the thought of walking all the way up there while being pregnant is just exhausting itself. So I faced my fear and took the elevator, nothing happened of course and then I found my room, number 934.

I scanned the keycard and opened the door. The hotel room smelled wonderful and a breathtaking view of the beach was the first thing I noticed. I looked around and saw Charles's things were here, but he wasn't. So I texted him to let him know that I had arrived.

I unpacked my things, and then changed clothes. The weather was way better here than it was at home, so I just changed into a dress which were really comfortable..
After I had changed clothes I heard the door open, so I almost ran towards it. "Ahh hey love!" Charles said as he walked inside. "Hi babe, I missed you so much!" I smiled and pulled him into a big hug. "Oh you have no idea, I missed you like crazy" he said and pulled me into a kiss. It had been 12 days since we last saw each other, which is very unusual for us. I felt amazing being with him again, and I was so happy to see him.
"You look beautiful love, I feel like you've gotten bigger since last time right?" he asked and touched my belly. "I definitely have, they are growing like crazy right now! it's unbelievable" I smiled which he did as well. "I can't believe we're meeting them in just a little over three months now" he smiled. "Me either, I can't wait" I smiled and placed another kiss on his lips. I felt like the luckiest woman alive at the moment, I have everything I need in my life.

Days in Miami went by, I had been working a bit on some upcoming content while Charles was working with some media stuff and when he attended some meetings.. Then I had been relaxing and I also went for a swim at the beach the other day with Carmen, Lily and Isa, it was amazing! But today is already friday which means it's practice day, not the most exciting but I still like it.

We walked into the ferrari hospitality where we were greeted by Fred. "Hello Olivia, wonderful to see you again" he smiled. "You too Fred" I smiled and then he and Charles also greeted each other. "So love will you be alright for the next hour or so? I just have a few things to do?" Charles asked and I nodded. "Of course, I'll find something to do," I said. "Great, I'll see you soon. I love you" he said and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you" I answered and then he walked away with Fred.. I then decided to take a walk around the paddock since I enjoy doing this sometimes.

"Hi Oli, are you just walking around alone?" I heard a familiar voice asking from behind. "Oh Hi Pierre, yeah I'm just going for a little walk" I smiled and greeted him. "Hmm, well a pregnant woman should never be left alone. Let me walk with you" he smiled. "Thanks Pierre, but you don't have to if you have somewhere to be" I answered. "Nah I just finished an interview, and I have about twenty minutes to kill now.." he said and then walked with me. - "Okay then" I answered and then we walked and talked a lot. We talked about the upcoming practices, the babies, his girlfriend Francisca, Charles and just about everything, it was actually really nice to spend some time alone with Pierre. We are always surrounded by our friends, so we don't get much time just him and I, so I really enjoyed it.

"How are you liking it at Alpine?" I asked, he switched team this season from Alpha Tauri to Alpine, so I felt like I wanted to ask him about that. "It's alright, the car seems better. But I miss my little Yuki, it's not the same with Esteban. I mean I like him as a teammate, but nobody can beat Yuki as a teammate" he smiled. "I know, we all miss some Pierre and Yuki moments" I laughed. "But yeah the cars seem better than the alpha tauri, so that's at least great" I then said. "Exactly, I'm quite happy with that, and it feels kinda nice and homely being at a french team though" he smiled.

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