Chapter forty

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Olivia's pov:
January 2022

I woke up in the huge bed, a good night's sleep, the Australian sun bursting into the windows, and with a feeling that everything's gonna be alright.

I jumped into the shower and then got ready. I just wore a cute dress today since the weather is outstanding. Then I walked out of my room and walked all the way to the kitchen. It was located in the opposite direction of my room, and the ranch here is huge, so I walked a bit.

As I got closer to the kitchen I was hit by a wonderful smell, breakfast!
"Good morning," I said and smiled. "Oh, good morning dear" Grace, Daniel's mother said, she was busy cooking up breakfast. "Good morning Olivia, did you sleep alright?" Joe asked, I looked at the table where he was sitting reading today's newspaper. "I slept fantastic, I keep forgetting how amazing these beds are" I laughed. "Then you gotta come more often, we love to have you here" Grace said and smiled. "I'll do, thanks" I smiled, which they both did as well.

After about ten minutes Daniel had also woken up and found his way to the kitchen. The breakfast was ready in a minute and it looked absolutely amazing. We ate outside on the patio, while enjoying the morning sun.

"So what have you planned for today?" Joe asked. "Well, we gotta hit the beach and then maybe go for a drive somewhere" Daniel answered and I nodded. "Maybe we could invite your sister over for dinner tonight?" Grace asked and took a sip of her coffee.

"Yes please do!" He said smiling. "I would also love to see Michelle again!" I said and smiled, she's so sweet.

After we had eaten breakfast we said our goodbyes to Joe and Grace, and then drove towards the beach! I had just quickly changed so I had my swimsuit under my dress.

We drove with the roof down and with music playing loudly, while singing along to all our favorite songs. "So, should we just chill in the sand or do you wanna hit the waves when we arrive?" Daniel asked. "Oh come on, that shouldn't be a question!" I said and looked at him with a look on my face. "Oh yeah, of course the waves!" He laughed. He obviously knew it was a stupid question, we had done this every time we had visited Australia. Surfing on the big waves, that is something I love to do.

When we arrived at the beach we quickly found a spot to settle down, with towels and our basket filled with something fresh to drink and some fruit. "Stay here, I'll rent some boards," Daniel said. "Sure," I smiled. Then I sat down on the towel laying in the beautiful sand, I found my phone where I quickly called Max, just to catch up and tell that I had arrived safely. - All though he didn't answer, but then it hit me. It's only three in the morning back home in Monaco, so he's probably sleeping. I didn't even think about the time difference.

After a short while Daniel came back with two surfboards and a big smile on his face. "Ready?" He asked. "Always, oh and be prepared to go down first!" I laughed and got up from the sand. "Haha no, I'll win! You are gonna fall off right away!" He laughed. "No no no, you are wrong there my friend" I said and took my board.

Then we both took off our clothes so we only had our swim clothes on. We paddled into the ocean, just so we got out to a point where it was a bit deeper and where the waves were bigger.

The waves were approaching the horizon, so we both got up on the surfboard, and got ready to ride the waves.

Daniel fell off as the first wave hit us, and I successfully kept my balance. "Hahah what did I say, I won!" I laughed when he came up from being underwater. And just as I had said that I fell off because I didn't see the new and bigger wave approaching. I got up from being under the water, with a laughing Daniel in front of me.

"Karma is a bitch!" He laughed and splashed water in my face. "You did not just do that!" I said and splashed water back at him, he knows I hate whenever people splash water in my face.. It turned out to be a little water fight, which was hilarious to be honest.

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