Chapter thirty-three

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Olivia's pov:
December 2021

Abu Dhabi, the last race of this season. A season that had been almost most perfect for my brother, and great for my boyfriend just like some of my close friends. - A season where I had attended almost every single race on the calendar, which I'm very thankful for to have that opportunity. That time has now come.

Charles and I arrived yesterday, like most of the other drivers.. After we arrived at the hotel yesterday we got the call, Vic had given birth to my new sweet nephew, a little too soon but it didn't matter at all! I couldn't believe it, I'm now an aunt to two beautiful boys. I can't wait to meet him when we are going back home.. As much as I want to take the next flight home to see my family, I also wanna be here in Abu Dhabi for my dear brother, who has a chance of winning the championship this week!. Mom went home to Vic to be with her, while dad stayed with us for the last race.

I was now alone in the hotel room for a few hours, since Charles had some media duties to attend with Carlos, and then he is going to work out a bit after that.
So I ordered some food, I was really hungry that I could eat anything. I ordered a delicious pizza, not the normal kind you usually get at the local pizzeria, no this one was extra! And it tasted amazing.
I heard my phone ringing just as I took the last bite of my pizza, so I quickly chewed it and answered the phone, it was Vic who called.

"Hi Vic, how are you?" I said, happy to hear from her. It was Tom who called everyone to let us know about the birth, so I haven't heard from Vic until now.
"Hey Oli, I'm good! Lio is the cutest" she said with pride in her voice. "Of course he is, just look at his parents and big brother!" I said which made her chuckle. "I'm really looking forward for you to meeting him," she said. "I am too, and really I'm so sorry for not being there. I won't choose between you and Max, but both things are huge and it was really hard to decide where to go" I said, hoping for her not to be disappointed about my choice.

"Oli no, don't be sorry. The championship is so important that you should with no doubt be there for Max, and cheer for him on my behalf! Plus you can meet Lio another time, he won't go anywhere" she said, I could almost imagine her smiling through the phone.. "Yeah you are probably right" I answered.. We kept talking for a little while just catching up a bit, until Lio woke up.. She quickly FaceTimed me so I could see him properly, he was so adorable!

A couple days later it was Friday, which meant the first two free practices are today. Today I stayed in Charles' garage at Ferrari, and then I'll stay with Max at Red Bull the next two days. I wanna be there if he becomes champion! Hopefully it happens but who knows, anything can happen..

"Hey Carlos!" I said as Charles and I entered the Ferrari hospitality. "Olivia, Charles hi guys" he smiled and went to give us both a little hug. "So Charles, Mattia wants to meet us in 10 mins.." Carlos said. "Alright then" Charles nodded. "I'll see you later alright, love you" he said and went to give me a little kiss. "Love you too" I said and smiled. "Isa is around somewhere, I know she'll be happy to see you" Carlos said, so I didn't have to be alone while they were away.
"Thanks Carlos" I smiled and then they were off.
I walked a bit around the hospitality until I finally found her sitting in the corner of a lounge area.

"Isa!" I said smiling as I approached her. "Oh hey Olivia, come sit with me" she said looking up from her phone. So I did, I sat down next to her.
"How's life as a fiancée?" I asked since I haven't seen her since she got engaged. "It's wonderful, I just started looking at dresses and oh god there are so many decisions to make, like do I want a long or short sleeve, laces or not, it's really difficult!" She laughed, and so did I. "You're so lucky! And please let me know if you need any help, I'll be there!" I said. "Your time will come too, Charles and you are endgame! But yes please, all help would be appreciated thanks" she smiled, which I did too.
"Well I hope we are" I smiled. "Trust me you are, everyone can see how much you love each other" she smiled. She's right, our love for each other is on a level I never experienced before.

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