Chapter seventy-seven

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Olivia's pov:

August 2024

Today was Sunday, and the day before Matheo and Elena's first ever birthday, a huge day not only for them, but also for Charles and I as parents. I still can't believe my little babies are turning one.

The clock was about 9pm, they had already been sleeping for a few hours and Charles and I were now fixing the last things before tomorrow. Charles was blowing up some balloons and I was wrapping their presents. "How is this already happening?" I asked and took another gift and wrapped it in the cutest wrapping paper. "I have no idea, weren't they like born yesterday.. soon they're going to school and then they're moving out!" Charles laughed. "No, don't say that.. But there's also just a few years until we can introduce them to the racing world" I smiled big. "Nope, it's not gonna happen, love. I don't want them to have this life, it's exhausting and takes up so much time" Charles answered and tied a knot around the balloon after blowing it up. "Let's take this discussion in three years, and then you'll see I was right" I smiled. "Nope, you're not" he answered. We're never gonna agree on this.

After blowing up balloons, decorating the apartment and wrapping their presents we decided to go to bed, since I know our kids well enough and they will probably wake up in a few hours. Why can't kids sleep longer, their parents also need some sleep..


"Good morning love" Charles smiled as I woke up, seeing him sitting up in bed scrolling through his phone. "Good morning, have you been awake for long?" I asked and sat up, next to him. "Nah, just a little hour or so. I think they're awake, shall we go wake them up?" Charles asked excitedly. "Let's do it, and congratulations with your kids" I laughed as we got up from bed, we were both really excited to see them this morning, it was their big day! "Thanks, and congratulations to you too" Charles laughed and pulled me into a good morning hug and kiss. - Then we walked into Matheo's room first to get him, since he was born first a year ago.. "Aww good morning my beautiful boy, and happy first birthday!" Charles said and picked him up from his bed, he was already happy and smiling big, "happy birthday sweetheart!" I said and kissed him. Then we walked into Elena's room next door, she was standing up in her bed, ready to be carried out. "I guess someones ready for her birthday, happy birthday my beautiful girl" Charles smiled while standing there with Matheo in his arms. "Happy birthday beautiful Ellie!" I said and picked her up and also gave her a kiss. - We then walked into the kitchen/ living room which is in the same place.

I made some breakfast for the four of us, and Charles sat down at the piano and played a few melodies the twins loved, they were sitting on one side each of Charles enjoying the little morning piano session. It looked adorable.

We ate our breakfast and then all four of us got dressed for the day.

When we had gotten dressed it was time to finish decorating the apartment, and start preparing some of the food for later. Charles did the food preparations, and I decorated the apartment since I'm not the best in a kitchen and I love decorating. The twins were playing on the floor while we fixed those things.

After a little while Daniel arrived a bit earlier than everyone else, since he offered to help. "Hey Livia!" He said and pulled me into a hug as I had opened the door for him. "Hi Danny" I smiled. "Where are the birthday boy and girl!" He asked excitedly. "They're in the living room playing around" I laughed as he rushed in there to them. "Yeah good to see you too" I said and walked in there as well. "Sorry, it's also really good to see you" he smiled from down the floor where he was already sitting with both Matheo and Elena. "Hey Daniel" Charles said as he walked into us, he had just spoken with his mom on the phone. "Hey Charles" he smiled and got up from the floor to give him a hug. "Congratulations with your kids, to both of you" Daniel said and smiled. "Thanks Danny, can you believe they're already one?" I asked. "Yeah thanks Daniel, it's crazy how time has flown by" Charles answered. "It really is, I feel like it was yesterday it met them for the first time" Daniel said. "Yeah for real" Charles said. "But now there's only a few years until one or both of them can start racing a bit!" Daniel smiled and looked at Charles. "That's what I said! But this man over here doesn't want them to race" I said and rolled my eyes. "Oh come on Charles, how cute would it be? Another Leclerc generation racing and then hopefully another generation in f1!" Daniel smiled. "It would be really cool and cute, but it's the lifestyle I don't want for them. - "yeah I understand.. the lifestyle is something else" Daniel answered.

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