Chapter twenty-four

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Max's pov:
August 2021

I got out of the room as it all was too much for me right now, I had only been in there for about an hour and I was on the edge of breaking. I sat down on a chair in the long hallway, crying and thinking about this situation.
I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, so I got it and answered it. "Hi" I said with a cracking voice after I had been crying again, and again.. "Hey babe, how is she?" Kelly asked. "She is out of surgery, but the doctors have no idea when she will wake up..".. "Oh god, but at least she is out!" she said, trying to stay optimistic. "Yeah that's right.. I can't lose her, Kelly, I really can't..!" I said almost tearing up, I couldn't think positive thoughts as I only thought the worst.. "Max, listen to me. You will not lose her okay?" she insisted.. "I hope not".. "Everythings gonna be fine, I gotta go, but I just quickly wanted to check on you. I love you" she said."Thanks.. I love you too, say hi to Penelope for me" I said, and then we said our goodbyes.

I was once again sitting here all alone. Doctors walked by continuing with their busy work, whilst I was sitting here in my own world which felt frozen at the moment. I put my elbows on my knees and held my head with my hands. I thought everything through, and kept feeling guilty about what happened to her.

If I just had shut my stupid mouth none of this would have happened, I wouldn't have us fighting as the possibly last memory with her. I would have been with her and talked to her everyday as we always did before, it had been weeks since I last heard her voice and I missed it so much, I missed hearing her talk, laugh and make stupid jokes, which aren't that good, but that is what makes them so funny..
I swore to myself since we went to school that I would protect her at all costs no matter what, and I failed. I failed big time, what a horrible brother I am. She doesn't deserve this, she deserves to be happy and I made her the complete opposite.. Everything is my fault, I hate myself so much for this. Fucking idiot I am..

I walked into the room again and saw Daniel had joined us as well. He said that mom, dad and Vic just saw her quickly and then went home until we had any updates. Charles was sitting close to her on a chair he held her hand, while he rested his head on the bed, he looked horrible with bruises and blood on him, but he refused to get treatment, he wanted to stay with her.

I had to admit, my sight of Charles changed a bit when I saw how much he actually cared for my sister. It was clear to see that he loves her very much. He didn't even care about his own health, we just wanted her to feel good. I was still not the biggest fan of his, but this made me a tiny bit happier about their relationship. But I kept this to myself at the moment, at least until I had a talk with them both...

Charles's pov:

Hours went by slowly, Olivia was still unresponsive. Doctors kept checking on her once in a while, and told me she was doing good, her vitals were great and she has no complications from her surgery, she will recover very well, once she wakes up.

I had been sitting in her for almost six hours waiting for her to wake up, and I was at a point where I needed some air. So I got up, kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. Jos and Sophie went home earlier after they quickly saw her, Vic also had to go home to Luka and Tom. So it was just Max, Daniel and I, they were sitting in the corner of her room, where they had just fallen asleep. We all were very tired.
I walked to the cafeteria where I bought myself a cup of coffee, then I walked outside to get some fresh air, which was wonderful. This awful hospital smell makes me sick, and reminds me of too many bad memories so it was good being outside for a while..

I heard my phone ringing as I was sitting on a bench enjoying my coffee. I saw it was Lorenzo, so I picked up the phone and answered. "Hi Enzo" I said. "Hey Charles, how are you doing? How's Olivia?" he asked and sounded worried. "She's doing good, but still hasn't woken up yet" I answered, and ignored his question about myself.
"Good, she will do it soon enough I promise.. but seriously how are you doing?" he asked again and this time I couldn't hold back the tears. "I don't know, why can't she just wake up! I really need her Enzo!".. "I know, you will get her back as soon as she is stable and ready, she needs you too. I know this is hard, but please think positive thoughts, think about how lucky she was to survive this and how lucky you are to still have her" he said, trying to comfort me over the phone. "Yeah, well I gotta head back to her room, I just went to get some air" I answered, I know he was telling the truth but it was still hard to think like that right now.. "Of course, keep me updated alright? And take care brother" he said and then we said our goodbyes and hung up..

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