Chapter twenty-six

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Olivia's pov:
August 2021

I woke up in the lovely hotel room with Charles next to me, today was Saturday which meant practice but more important qualifying. I really hope Charles can manage to get a good position for tomorrow's race.

I got up, showered and started to get ready. After I finished my shower Charles woke up as well, then he took a shower while I finished getting ready. "God I have this weird feeling that qualifying will go badly" he said and dried his hair with the towel.
"Shake that feeling off, I'm sure it will be alright" I said trying to shake that feeling off him. "If my good luck charm says so I'm sure it will go alright, but still I have a weird feeling..." he said and referred to me as his good luck charm.
"You're too sweet" I said and gave him a kiss, as I have just finished getting ready, and so has he.

We left the hotel and drove toward the track, the drive there was not that bad thankfully.. When we arrived at the track we went straight to the Ferrari hospitality where Charles met his manager and headed to a quick meeting before practice three.. I met up with Isa who also was on track today. It was amazing seeing her again, she has been missed.

"So how is everything between you two?" I asked Isa since we most of the time always talk about Charles and I. "It's amazing, it just gets better day by day, we are really happy" she said and smiled big. "I'm so happy for you Isa, you both deserve each other so much.. how long have you been together now, I can't really remember" I asked. "In two months we have been together for five years" she smiled. "Wow that's a lot" I said and was actually very surprised and shocked. I didn't think it was this much.

Isa and I talked for a bit before the boys returned to us. "Hey girls" Carlos said and went to give Isa a hug from behind, it was cute. "Hey" we both said. "So what are we talking about?" Charles asked and sat next to me while looking at me with a smile. "Nothing special really," Isa answered. "Nope, nothing" I also said which made us both let out a little laugh. "Aha! Charles, they are lying to us!!" Carlos said which made Charles laugh, Carlos is so damn curious. "You don't have to know everything Carlos!" I said. "I do," he insisted.

Carlos took me aside, away from Isa and Charles. They were talking right now so they probably didn't even notice we left them for a few minutes. "What's wrong Carlos?" I asked, as he looked nervous. "Can I ask you the biggest favor ever?" he asked. "Sure" I said and smiled. He took me even more aside so no one could hear us. "I'm gonna ask Isa to marry me, and I was just thinking that you maybe could help me get her ring size in some way?" He said and smiled nervously.. "Oh my god Carlos!! Of course I will help, this is huge! I'm on it, don't worry!" I said and smiled big, this was so exciting!

"Thank you so much Olivia, this means a lot" he said and went to give me a hug. "You are very welcome, I'm so excited for you guys" I said. "Thanks. I hope she says yes though" he said and pulled away from the hug. "Don't worry, I know she will" I said with a glimpse in my eye. By the way she just talked about him, there's no doubt she will decline his proposal.

A few hours later after Carlos asked me to help him with this little/ big mission, it was practice time. The third and last practice before qualifying.
It didn't go as well as he hoped, Charles finished sixteenth which isn't ideal but it is what it is. He was very disappointed, but he managed to stay positive and look forward to qualifying. Max topped the last practice, so that was good.

The next hour and a half went by fast, and it was now qualifying time. I walked with Isa to our seats above the pit. These were the best seats ever.
"I'm excited, I hope they'll do well," Isa said nervously. "Me too, they need it" I answered. We were both really hoping for our boyfriends to get good positions for the race tomorrow..
"The qualifying are being delayed because of the weather" Isa and I got informed by some of the others around us. "Oh alright, thanks" I said to the man. We then headed down to the garage to see if there were any updates.. "Hey girls, the qualifying is being delayed" Nicholas , Charles' manager said. "Yeah we just heard, any ideas when it will start?" I asked. "Nah, the safety car are out checking the track now, so let's see".. "Hmm, alright" I said and sended him a smile, as he was on his way to Charles. Charles and Carlos were both in their cars, so they were ready to head out as soon as the qualifying could begin..

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