Ch. 2 ♡

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"But everyone's gone, and you've been here for too long." -Dammit, The Blink 182

"You ran over someone with your car!?"

"It was an accident!"

I sighed and pulled my phone up closer to my ear. I had just called my mom and told about my situation, and she told me she was proud of me for taking responsibility. But right now, I was on the phone with my best friend, Scarlett.

"Oh my goodness Blair."

I could imagine her shaking her head at me.

"I'm still waiting for him to get out of the emergency room, or at least a-"

A man with a large white coat walked behind me, tapping my shoulder. "Blair Wesley?"

I turned around and hung up the call. "Yes?"

He gestured over for me to go ahead. We walked together side by side while he was looking at a few papers.

"So, you were the one that ran over Mr.Wilkinson?"

I nodded my head, "yeah."

He forced a smiled and stopped next to a door. I'm guessing it was Sammy's.

"He appears to be in pretty good condition. There is no internal bleeding, just slight bruising on his ribs." The doctor explained. "He'll be discharged tomorrow morning. If he feels pain just take some tylenol."

I nodded and the doctor walked away, probably to save other people's lives. I opened the door and saw Sammy tugging at one of the tubes connected to himself. Then accidently pulling it from the bag.

"Hey," I said.

Sammy turned his head over to me and dropped the tube. "What's up?"

I laughed and sat down on the chair next to him. "I don't know, I've been in this hospital for three hours. Just filling in papers and reading old magazines."

Sammy took a magazine from his table and handed it to me. "It's about cars."

I smiled sarcastically and knocked it out of his hands, "you're funny."

A woman came walking in and placed a tray of food in front of Sammy.

"This is your dinner for today, I'll be back in a bit to give you some snacks."

And with that, she left. Closing the door with a loud thud.

"Thanks," Sammy mumbled and opened up all the containers. He scrunched up his nose in disgust, "what the hell is this?"

I broke off the plastic that was wrapped around the fork and ate a piece of the salmon. "Dinner."

Sammy scooted the plate over to me, "that's not even food."

I continued to eat the food and opened the soda. "You need to eat, you just got ran over."

He shook his head. "I'm not eating that."

"You're so picky."

"Can you buy me some pizza?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and continued eating. "Why don't you-" I paused and realized what I was going to say would be stupid, "fine."

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and got up. "I'll be back before visiting hours end."

Sammy's Point Of View

"Do anything to get her attention, something that would get you noticed."

Out of all the other options, why did I pick jumping in front of her car?

Well, I wasn't going to jump in front. I was going to tap on her window and introduce myself but then she hit me with her car.

I called the nurse and told her that I was finished with my dinner and she gave me a bowl of mint ice cream for dessert. My mom would probably be freaking out right now, along with my dad, my sister, and my brother, but I don't think they really are. They're probably enjoying their picnic in Venice right now.

I stabbed my ice cream with my spoon as soon as I felt the pain of my ribs come back, I guess the morphine was going away. My phone started vibrating and I reached over to answer.

I groaned into the speaker, "what?"

"Did you get her?" My friend, Jack, asked me. "Did you get the girl?"

"Sorta," I looked around at the hospital room. "She hit me with her car."

Jack and my other friends in background erupted with laughter.

I heard shuffling and someone else took hold of the phone. "Did she really? Or are you kidding?" Nate asked me.

"She did." I sighed. "I'm in the hospital."

"Holy shit," Nate said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm-" I cut myself off when I saw the door knob turning. Blair came in and held up a pizza box. I hung up my phone and set it down.

"I didn't really think you would buy it."

She laughed and placed it on my lap. "You needed to eat."

I laughed along with her and began to eat the food. Blair was telling me all of these funny stories about her and her family. I guess it was something to keep my mind off of being in a hospital, which wasn't that bad because I was with her.

"And yeah," Blair giggled. "That's the story of how I almost died."

I smiled and flung the empty box across the room, making it into the trash can.

The door opened again and the same lady from earlier poked her head inside. "Visiting hours are over, everyone must leave the building."

Blair nodded and got up to leave as the lady closed the door.

I felt a pit of sadness starting to grow in my stomach, I didn't want her to leave.

She sighed and looked at me. "I'm sorry I got you into this."

I smiled. "It's okay, it's not that bad being here."

Her lips formed into a smile. She stuck out her hand, "I want to show you something before I leave."

I looked down at the hospital gown I was wearing. "I don't think-"

Blair grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, running to the elevator. She pressed the button to the last floor and waited.

"Where are we-"

The elevator doors opened and she grabbed my hand once again. We went around the front desk and snuck past all of the staff we bumped into. Blair let go of my hand and stood in front of a glass door.

Through the glass door was an incredible garden– I didn't think this type would exist in Washington.

"Come on," She said and walked through the automatic doors.

In the center of the garden was a fountain. I looked around, amazed. I looked above and saw the artificial stars from a projector, it felt like we were outside.

"Cool, right?"

"How did you know this was here?"

"I found it when I was on my way to give you your food."

We both stood beside each other, looking at the stars.

I cleared my throat, bringing us both back to reality. "You should probably go, they'll get mad at you for still being here."

Blair nodded. "I'll see you later."

I smiled as she walked away.

I'm so glad I got ran over

{A/N:} Idk if I'm gonna make this shorter or leave it at 12 chapters?? I'm so used to making the chapters so long so I think I'll make this book 8 chapters. IDK


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