Ch. 11 ♡

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"For awhile we pretended that we never had to end it, but we knew we'd have to say goodbye." -Wherever You Are, 5 Seconds of Summer

I made sure to get her favorite roses. I made sure that we watched every romance movie that she loved. I made her laugh until her stomach ached, and smile until her face cramped up. I came for dinner every night, and made sure that they didn't leave anything behind when they were packing up. I made sure she didn't cry at night by staying up on the phone until she fell asleep and that I didn't cry at night by calling her on the phone. We went to every place she wanted to go before she left. I made sure she got to meet my family and we got to play crappy board games and watch my dad's favorite romantic-comedy movies. She met my sister, and I made sure she didn't have to comfort me (which she had to do anyways.) I made sure she got to hangout with Scarlett, Monique, and Jamie and have the best day ever with her best friends. She got to hang out with me and my friends, to meet them for the first and last time.I made sure that she knew that I loved her, I made sure of that the most.

Before she left,  I wanted her to leave with all of these memories in her head.

I was sitting in my car, in front of my drive way.

It felt like if the whole world was in slow motion and time didn't exist. I couldn't get myself to accept the fact that Blair was leaving tomorrow, and that was it. No coming back.

I started up the engine and drove to her house. Blair was already at the front, giving away her last of her clothes to the local orphanage. She saw me and ran up to the car.

"I'll be out in just a second, okay? I need to hand them one more box."

I nodded and patiently waited for her. I looked at the house once more. The first time I ever came here was when I had to give Blair a gift basket, (well, one I made myself) and she came home crying. I also remembered that her dad threatened the shit out of me, but he apologized for it after I got to properly introduce myself.

She walked into the passenger's side and opened the door to sit down with a heavy sigh, "it's tomorrow. We're leaving in the morning."

I didn't say anything because it didn't feel real. Blair, the girl I had a crush on since forever, who finally became my girlfriend after she hit me with her car, is leaving for Australia. Her dad was going into a new therapy program, so of course her family took the chance, but it was unbelievable that the first love I had was going so soon.


Her small hand slipped into mine. Blair was just as heartbroken as I was, but being herself she wanted to stay positive until the end. I looked at her and smiled, she always made me smile.

"Let's go to the beach," I said and started driving. It was cold as always, so I was just planning on opening the back of my car and sitting there.

The sun set was setting, a pale pink and yellow sky was forming. Blair and I were wrapped in blankets, staring at the beautiful earth.

"It's not fair," she suddenly said, "it's not fair that I barely got to meet you."

I knew she was going to cry her heart out, I tried to stop her before she could.

"Why do I have to leave after meeting the most amazing guy the in world? You make me so happy and I got too used to that feeling. Every time I see, no matter what mood I'm in, I know my day is going to get better. I know that you're going to say something stupid to make me laugh or comfort me when I need it. When I hug you or touch you, it's like an electric feel throughout my body that gives me energy to keep going. It's not fair," her tears started to wet her cheeks and her eyes started to swell, "it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not.. I love you so much. I will not never meet someone as great as you, Sammy. I don't care how long we've been dating, nobody can compare to this."

I sighed and pulled into a big hug, she cried into my shoulders as I rubbed her back. Her breath began to shorten and she did that— grasping for air cry that everyone would do as a child.

"I found love right in front of me," I said into her ear, "Blair, you have given me the experience of a lifetime. Not everyone gets to be with their dream girl," I chuckled, "and maybe one day you're going to come back, and we're gonna be together again. But you gotta do this for your dad."

In the last moments together, we said nothing. The ocean waves and our breathing comforted us because we said and did everything we wanted to. We just had to accept this.

𝘐 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 (𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 ) | 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥Where stories live. Discover now