Ch. 3 ♡

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"And I sing songs about the past. How I was raised and I was thrown off on my ass." -The Past, Nevershoutnever

Blair's Point Of View

I kicked a rock that was in my way. I zipped up my jacket and shivered. I was taking a walk around the neighborhood, something I usually do. It was always so cold in Washington, I've never enjoyed it during the years. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey!" My friend other friend, Monique, smiled.

"Hey," I said and shoved my hands in my pockets.

She looked over at me with a concerned look. "What happened?"

I laughed and shook my head, "nothing."

Monique tugged on my arm, causing both of us to stop walking. "It's something."

I sighed, having Monique there for me all the time is both comforting and annoying.

"I ran over someone the other day," I tried to say casually. But almost killing someone isn't casual. "It's just the guilt."

Monique pulled my into a reassuring hug. "Once that person gets better, you won't feel guilty again."

I smiled. "Don't you have to do something for school? Or anything?"

"Yeah– I just wanted to check up on you," Monique rubbed by back, "it'll get better soon."

I smiled and watched her walk away. I sat down on a nearby park bench and closed my eyes.

"That was a great game!"

I giggled and adjusted the strap on my soccer bag. My dad took it off my shoulder and slung it over his.

"How'd you manage to make all of those goals?" He asked me. We walked inside a frozen yogurt place and stood in line.

"Lots and lots of practice," I smiled. "But it wasn't just me, it was my team too."

My dad laughed and ordered us both strawberry flavored yogurts. We sat down and began eating them.

A few minutes later we started walking back to our car. I took out my soccer ball from my bag and kicked it around.

"Blair, stop." My dad said.

I ignored him and continued to play around.


I kicked my ball across the street. "No!" I ran after it, unaware of the headlights flashing in front of me.


My dad grabbed hold of me, his back colliding with the car. I heard another one coming towards me, their tires screeching.

I let out a yelp as my ankle had just been crushed, but my dad lied there unconscious. People surrounded us as I was shaking my dad awake.

"Call 911!"

"Is the girl okay?"

"Sir, can you hear me-"

A hot tear ran down my face. I wiped it off quickly and walked back home. My vision was blurred as I opened the door to my house.


My dad wheeled into the living room with a concerned look. "Mom told me what happened."

I broke into tears and covered my face. "I'm sorry."

He came closer to me and pulled me down into a hug. "It's okay."

"No," I sobbed. "No it's not."

He rubbed my back as I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"You have someone that needs to talk to you."

I pulled away, my eyes probably red from the crying. It couldn't of been Monique– she was just here. Jamie's at field hockey practice, and Scarlett never shows up to my house without telling me.


Sammy walked out of the kitchen, holding a bag. He moved back and forth on his heels.

"Hey, Blair."


We learned more about Blair, and next chapter we'll learn more about Sammy🌚


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