Ch. 6 ♡

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"Sweat and conversations seep into my bones." -Happy Little Pill, Troye Sivan

"What are you gonna do?"

I slammed my locker shut and leaned on it, facing Monique.

"Nothing," I shrugged my shoulders. "He doesn't have to know."

"Blair," Monique said sternly. "You're going to hurt him. He's your friend. And to him, you're probably his only friend. And coming from your best friend, this is going to hurt him more."

I furrowed my eyebrows and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Why?"

Monique sighed and looked around. "I've seen the way he looks at you, Blair. It's like you're the only light in his life. I th–"

"Stop," I said. "Can we just talk about something else, please?"

Monique nodded her head and began her next sentence, but she was cut off when she saw someone coming.

I turned around and saw Sammy walking over. He saw me and instantly smiled, then gave a small wave. I waved back and turned to Monique.

She raised her eyebrow. "Better now than never," Monique stood up and walked somewhere else.

I sighed and tried to follow her, but–


I shut my eyes closed and spun around on my heels. "Hey, what's up?"

Sammy laughed. "You haven't been talking to me today, is there something wrong?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Nothing," I lied. "I just feel a little unsteady," I laughed. "Wanna get lunch?"

"I already did," Sammy said and reached into his bag. "I got us both lunch." He handed me a sandwich wrapped in plastic.

"Thanks," I said and held it in my hand.

"You wanna go to park to eat? We have–" Sammy looked at his watch. "Thirty minutes."

I nodded and followed him into his car. The car ride was silent, just the music playing as I watched everything blur by.

The car came to stop and I opened the door, stepping out to the same park we were at a few days ago. We walked to the spot we were laying in and began eating our sandwiches, which weren't that bad.

"I've been wanting to go to the beach," Sammy said. "I'm thinking of going this weekend with the Jacks. Wanna come?"

I tore a couple pieces of grass. "I might have work, but I'll ask for a day off."

"Blue," Sammy blurted out.

I looked up and saw a blue truck pass by. I laughed and looked for any other cars. It was a game we would always play at the park. After we watched Up, it kinda became our thing.

"Pink!" I yelled.




"That kinda looks like sapphire. But that's okay," I laughed.

And the game went on until we had to go back to school. We entered the corridors and heard the bell ring.

"I'll catch you later," Sammy said before heading his way.

"See you," I waved and walked to my locker. I banged my head against it and groaned.

"Didn't tell him?" Monique asked me and opened her locker.

"No!" I yelled and lifted my head up. "He's just- And I just- And we-"

"You'll find a way to tell him sooner or later," Monique reassured me and walked away again.

I sighed and opened mine, quickly grabbing my books before heading to class.


Sammy's Point Of View

I bent down and took out the dead flowers that were there and placed the new ones.

I sighed and sat down, staring at the grave in front of me.

Amanda Wilkinson
2001 - 2014
An amazing daughter and friend.

I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm sorry that they put that on your grave. It's pretty crappy." I sighed and stared at the ground, feeling my eyes watering. The memories were flashing back, not fast enough for me to see all of them, but fast enough to make me realize she wasn't here anymore.

"I'm so sorry Amanda," I mumbled. "I shouldn't of taken you that day, not alone. It's my fault." I rubbed my face and sniffled. "It really is my fault," I whispered.

"Not it isn't."

I turned around and saw my sister, Emily, with a bouquet of flowers. She placed them down and looked at me.

"It wasn't anyone's fault, Sam." She sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of those things I said to you when–" Emily sighed. "–When Amanda died. I was angry, I- I wasn't myself and I just-"

I stood up to hug her. "It's okay, it's okay."

"No-" She sniffled. "No- I was so mean and I know that Amanda wouldn't want that-"

"I forgive you."

Emily pulled away to look at me. "You've grown up so much."

I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

Emily laughed and wiped her face. "Long story short? Family reunion."

My smile quickly faded and I widened my eyes.




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