Ch. 4 ♡

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"Counting stars, laying on the grass, side by side, your head on my shoulder." -Parallel, Heffron Drive

Sammy's Point Of View

I knocked on the hard wood door while clutching a bag in my other hand. A sigh escaped from my mouth, it was so cold that you could the heat from your breath.

A man in a wheel chair opened the door, "We're all good on bibles, th-"

"No, I'm–" I put my hand on the door before he closed it, "–I'm not selling bibles. I'm looking for Blair Wesley? Is she here?"

The man opened the door wider. "She's not here right now. I'm her dad."

I gestured my hand towards the living room. "May I come in?"

He moved out of the way, letting me step in. I looked around. It was like a typical everyday house in movies; I followed Mr.Wesley into the kitchen.

"Why are you looking for Blair?" He asked me as he poured a cup of water and handed it to me.

"A couple days ago, she hit me with her car. She was kind enough to drive me to the hospital and visit me everyday to make sure I was fine," I explained. "I just want to thank her."

Mr.Wesley nodded his head. "I'm sure she'll be here soon."

I took a drink from the cup and looked around.

"What were you doing?" Mr.Wesley questioned. "Sorry, but since you were stupid enough to get hit by a car, what made Blair hit you with hers?"

"Oh well–" I paused. Should I tell him the truth? "–I've had a crush on Blair for awhile and I was going to talk to her, but then while I was walking to her car–"

"She hit you," Mr.Wesley laughed. "That's funny."

I laughed nervously. "Not really," I mumbled.

The door opened and someone walked in.

"That's her," Mr.Wesley smiled and wheeled over to the living room.

I tapped my finger on the wooden table and whistled a tune. I got up from my seat and looked at all the family pictures hung around the room.

I noticed that as Blair grew older, her dad was still in a wheelchair. I looked at a baby picture of her. Her dad was holding her as he was standing. I furrowed my eyebrows but, turned back around– it wasn't any of my business anyways.

I walked into the living room and saw that Blair was hugging her dad.

"You have someone that needs to see you," I heard.

I widened my eyes and went back to grab the bag. But Blair saw me, her eyes a bright red.

I smiled and rocked back and forth on the heels of my shoe. "Hey, Blair."

She laughed and wiped her face. "And I probably look stupid right now." She sniffled, "just wait for me outside."

I nodded and headed for the front door. But before I could reach, a strong gripped pulled me back.

"Don't do anything stupid." Mr.Wesley said and let go of my arm before he disappeared.

I sighed. "Okay?" I said to myself. I waited outside for Blair, which really wasn't that long.

She opened the door and flashed a smile. "Hey, sorry about back there."

"It's okay," I said and we began walking. "Is everything fine?"

"Yeah," Blair nodded. "Nothing to worry about."

I handed her the bag. "It's a thank you bag I made myself. Gift baskets are too expensive."

Blair giggled and looked inside. "Aww," She said and held out the mini teddy bear I bought. "This is adorable." She placed it back into the bag and gave me a hug.

I quickly hugged her back before I would be too shocked not to.

"Thank you," Blair said. "Now I owe you a thank you bag for giving me a thank you bag," She laughed.

I shook my head and laughed. "You don't owe me anything. You've done a lot for me already."

She smiled and silence fell on both of us.

"I was actually going to leave you on the road," Blair interrupted.

I widened my eyes, "what?"

She bursted out laughing, "I'm joking!"

I sighed as she was still laughing. "That's really funny," I said and lifted her up. She screamed as I ran around with her on my shoulder.


I ran faster, only stopping once in awhile to spin her around. I set her down once we got to the park.

I looked up at the sky, realizing that the stars were there. The bright park lights lit up around us.

If you're gonna ask her out, ask her now.

I turned around and saw Blair walking around the park, minding herself. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around to throw pond water at my face.

"I just needed revenge, no hard feelings." She smiled.

I laughed and wiped the water off my face. She took a seat on the grass and I sat down with her.

It was silent again, but the comfortable type of silence. You know, that silence after you had a really good conversation and you're just staring at the sky? Or listening to the music that was playing? That silence.

"Listen, Blair–"

She turned to me, her eyebrows raised.

"I know we just met, and I know it may be weird, but do you wanna go out sometime?" I asked her.

She smiled, "when?"

Is that a yes?

"Tomorrow, after school? At seven?"

"Sure," She laughed. "You go to my school?"

You shouldn't be shocked that she hasn't seen you.

I laughed, "yeah. I've seen you around. We used to have French together in freshman year."

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Blair asked me.

"I didn't think it mattered," I said. "We're basically strangers who met in a car crash."

Blair sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. "You don't hear that everyday."

You really don't, but it's the best thing that has happened to me yet.

{A/N:} ok I lied about learning more about Sammy it's actually the next chapter


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