Ch. 5 ♡

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"I've been upside down, I don't wanna be the right way round. I'll find paradise on the ground." -All We Do, Oh Wonder.

Blair's Point Of View

I laughed as Sammy and I walked out of the restaurant doors.

"I couldn't hold it in, okay? I just had to let it out," Sammy laughed.

"Isn't that embarrassing? Peeing in front of the whole class?"

"I mean, back then no," Sammy sighed. "But now, it kinda is."

I shook my head as I laughed. The whole dinner, Sammy and I were just talking. We didn't care for the food in front of us. I looked at my heavy bag, my parents are probably gonna yell at me.

"Come on," Sammy said and took my hand. I started to follow him, walking the opposite direction of Sammy's car. We walked to the park again, which was lit up like a theme park. Sammy took a seat on the grass, then lying back.

I laughed at what he was doing. "What is this? The Notebook?"

I saw Sammy smile. "Not unless you want it to be."

I sighed and laid down next to him. I didn't really know much about Sammy, all I know that is his family is away and that he was the youngest.

"Hey, Sam?"


"Where's.. Where's your family?" I asked and looked over at him.

Sammy sighed, his hand under his head. "Uh, Italy? Paris? Rome? Don't know."

"What do you mean don't know?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Did his family just leave him?

"They left," Sammy said. As if it were something normal. "They left me."

I shouldn't push him. Who would want to? Who would want to be remembered of the memories that kept you up all night?

I took Sammy's hand and intertwined it with mine.

"It's okay," I whispered to him. "I don't think I've met anyone with a perfect life."

Sammy's grip tightened, probably the wave of memories coming. He stood up and looked over at me.

"A year ago, I took my little sister out to the fair. Her name was Amanda."

I sighed, "you don't-"

"She's always wanted to go boating. So with my parents permission, I took her. It was after the fair, a lake near it."

I saw a tear slip down Sammy's cheek before his eyes started to water completely.

"She fell off the boat and I couldn't save her. My family blamed me, everyday. Every single mistake, like dropping a mug, would lead up to "you killed Amanda! You killed your sister because of your fucking mistake!"

I pulled up the sleeve of my sweater and wiped his face.

"They couldn't take it anymore. They didn't want to see my face. Once my uncle moved into town, they left. I've been living with him ever since," Sammy finished.

It was silent, meaning it was my turn to talk.

"Sammy, it wasn't your fault okay? I know how it feels like. I know what–"

"No! No you haven't because you haven't lost someone!" Sammy yelled and stood up, "You don't know! That's what everyone says. That's what they try to say so you could feel better."


"You don't understand, Blair! You could try, but you don't. And–"

"Sammy!" I yelled, standing up. He stopped talking, waiting for me to continue after realizing my sudden anger.

"I know what you're going through, I promise. I know I haven't lost anyone in my life yet but I did do something," I said. I needed to relax. I know I can't just tell anyone, but Sammy is different.

I told him about what happened with my Dad and how it was my fault that he was in a wheelchair. After I was finished, I was holding onto Sammy's hand like my life depended on it, his warmth comforted me through the story.

"I'm sorry Blair," He apologized. "I shouldn't of yelled at you."

I smiled and hugged him, we both needed it. "It's okay, I would have done the same thing."

After a couple of minutes, we decided it was time to head back home. Sammy and I went back into his car and when he dropped me off, he walked me to the front.

"Thank you," I said. "For such a wonderful time."

"Thank you for being there to make it such a wonderful time," Sammy smiled.

I felt myself lean in, my eyes slowly closing. Sammy leaned in too, our lips almost touching.

The porch light flicked on and we both pulled back quickly.

"Another time?" Sammy asked while he scratched the back of his neck.

I felt the blood rushing to me cheeks as I stared down at the floor, "yep."

My dad opened the door and I walked inside, waving goodbye to Sammy. My mom was in the living room, her eyes red and the bags under them purple.

"What's wrong?"

My dad wheeled in next to my mom, sighing.

"We have some news."

{A/N:} Sammy and Blair are currently my OTP :')


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