Ch. 9 ♡

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"Sometimes quiet is violent." -Car Radio, Twenty One Pilots

Blair's Point Of View

I sighed and shoved my notebooks in my bag, then picking up my Spanish book. My heart was still racing from last night, and my mind couldn't erase the look on Sammy's face before I walked away.

I looked around my room− just to see if I was forgetting anything− and shut the door. My arms wrapped around the hard covered book for a little warmth, since I couldn't seem to get some warmth. It was understandable, the weather was very predictable in Washington. Cold and rain almost all the time.

I stopped to adjust my scarf just to procrastinate. I didn't want to walk through the white, tall doors of the school. Not only to be wasting six hours of my life− but to be wasting them in the same place as Sammy.

By now, I was standing in front of the school where I was being pushed by multiple people trying to get to class early, or simply trying to meet their friends. My book was falling out of my hands just like the tears in my eyes. I took another deep breath, wiped my smeared mascara off, and sat on the steps of the school until the bell rang.

What was wrong with me? Letting myself fall in love with someone at random. Then denying their love, and crying about my mistake that I could of avoided.


I turned around and saw Scarlett walking towards me, the same Spanish book in her hand.

"Let's meet Jamie in History," She said and helped me up.

I nodded, I couldn't just sit at the steps forever.

Sammy's Point Of View

"I don't think she hates you."

I slammed my locker shut, making sure it was closed all the way. My heart was still racing from last night, and my mind couldn't erase the look on Blair's face before she walked away.

"She told me I couldn't love her," I clutched the straps on my backpack. The school had the air conditioning on for God knows why which made everything colder.

"I think something like this happened to Cam," Nash said and we all started walking towards our usual spot. "He said that Alex told him not to fall in love with him or something like that."

"Probably lying," I said. "I feel like these type of things only happen to me."

"Could happen to anyone." Johnson said, sounding a little sad himself. "Just ask Cameron, he always has something to say."

Right then, I saw the familiar brunette walking past us with Alex. I hurriedly grabbed his shoulder and turned him towards me, causing them to both looked shocked.

"I'm sorry," I cleared my throat. "Can I borrow him for a moment?"

Alex nodded and waved her boyfriend goodbye, skipping away towards class as I pulled Cam aside.

"You look mad," Cameron stated. "What's wrong?"

I explained to him what happened, from beginning to ending; from what I thought to what I wanted to say.

"It's like what happened between Alex and I," Cameron said. "She told me not to fall in love with her because she thought she was going to die. But before she told me the real reason, she lied and said she didn't want to ruin our friendship. She was scared. Not because it'll break her heart, but mine." Cameron sighed when our school bell rang, causing the halls to crowd up again. "Just talk to Blair, she might be hiding something."

𝘐 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 (𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 ) | 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥Where stories live. Discover now