Ch. 7 ♡

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"Hold on, hold on to me. 'Cause I'm a little unsteady." -Unsteady, X Ambassadors

Blair's Point Of View

"Sorry I wasn't here yesterday," Scarlett said. "I was sick and my mom couldn't take me to school anyways."

"It's whatever, you didn't miss anything," I shrugged my shoulders and began to clean a table. I told Scarlett about Sammy, and about what my parents told me.

"So," Scarlett tapped her fingertips on the table she was sitting at. "What have your parents said so far?"

"We have a couple more days. Just have to enjoy those couple more days," I laughed nervously.

Scarlett put her hand over my shoulder. "You're going to be fine, Blair."

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I wish I could get that through my head."

Scarlett laughed, "you will eventually. You're not that stubborn."

I laughed and leaned against the table, closing my eyes for a little. After a couple of milliseconds, I felt a towel thrown at my house.

"Get back to work," Matt laughed and walked over to the cashier. I groaned and went over to serve some more ice creams to a family that just came in.

Once they left, it was only the three of us in the store. I let out a deep sigh and sat across from Scarlett.

"Just tell him," She said while she was doing her homework. "I'm sure it's not that hard."

"It is," I said quickly. "I look at him and I think "This is it. I'm going to do it." Then I look at him again and I can't. I can't-" I clutched my head, "I can't let him go."

"Because you've fallen in love?" Scarlett asked me. "That's why you can't let him go."

"No I'm-" I shook my head and tried to find the words. "It's only been, what? Three or four months? You can't-"

"Falling in love doesn't need time," Scarlett said. "You can fall in love with someone in a second, a week, in years. You're just saying that because you're denying yourself, Blair."

"I hit him with my car the first time we met, he was a total stranger."

"You fell in love with a total stranger, though."

"I wasn't suppose to," I put my head down on the table. "It's not suppose to be like this. We weren't suppose to be friends, we weren't suppose to fall in love."

How can you fall in love with someone that you've just met? I didn't even know him. I didn't want to know him, I just wanted to help him.

Scarlett stood up, patting me on the shoulder. "It's closing time. You can mope all you want at home."

I sighed and went to the back to get my stuff.

Sammy's Point Of View

My dad looked around the house, examining shelf to shelf.

"You won a trophy for basketball?" My dad asked as he picked the trophy up.

"Yeah," I said and drank some of my water. "I did."

"You didn't tell me?"

"Did it matter?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I also won a ribbon for track."

"You did?"


"That's great."

"I know."

My dad cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the awkward silence that was between us.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. "Why are you all here?"

My dad picked up a family photo before replying, "You don't think I have days where I think about what I did, do you?"

"No," I said coldly. "That's how low I think of you."

"Everyday. I sit in down and think to myself "Did I really make the right choice? Was it right to leave everything behind? My own son!" My dad yelled. "My own daughter.."

"And you think that coming back makes it all better? You know how many times I needed you!" I stood up, "before you left, I begged for you all to stay!"

"I was lost!" My dad slammed his hand on the counter. "I couldn't handle it, Sammy. Please understand–"

"That's your reason," I scoffed. "What a fucking crappy reason," I said before grabbing my keys and getting into my car. I pulled out my phone and called Blair right away.


"Blair," I croaked out. "I need- I need you," I whispered.

"I'm here, I'm here. What happened? Do you need to come over?"

"Yeah," I said while tears were falling from my eyes.

"Okay, um-" Blair started, "Just come right now."

I pulled out of park and drove over to her house.

Blair's Point Of View

I paced back and forth in the living room, I couldn't figure out why Sammy was so upset. Maybe he found out? Maybe something spray painted on his sisters' grave?

The doorbell rang and I ran over to get it, not bothering to look through the peep hole. I opened the door and saw an upset Sammy with red cheeks and eyes.

"Hey-" I said before he pulled me into a hug. I felt him crying into my shoulders. All I did was hug him tighter, rubbing circles around his back.

After a couple minutes, Sammy calmed down a little and I told him to sit down while I make us some hot chocolate.

"Tell him now, Blair." A voice inside my head told me. "It's easier. It's just the two of you."

"No, Blair!" Another voice said. "He needs you right now. You're not going to make it any better by breaking his heart."

I sighed and picked up the two cups and two muffins, making my way back to Sammy. I smiled at him and handed him is cup.

"Thanks," Sammy sniffled.

"So," I started. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"It's my family," He said. "You know how I told you they left me? Well, the came back. I just talked to my dad right now. And-" Sammy paused, "I remembered why I hated him the most. Why I didn't want to see his face, why I never talked to him over the phone and-"

I don't think Sammy realized that he was crying again.

"Hey, hey." I said softly and grabbed his face, our foreheads touching. "Sammy, I promise everything is going to be okay for you. You just have to get through the hard stage."

"I know," Sammy said. Our eyes met, locking with each other.

I felt Sammy lean in closer, closer and closer by the second. His lips touching mine, kissing me. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer, kissing him back.

You're making this harder for yourself, Blair.

{A/N:} Blair and Sammy are so cute and they get even cuter in the next chapter :)


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