Ch. 10 ♡

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"Please don't go, please don't go. I love you so." -Breezeblocks, Alt-J

Sammy's Point Of View

The constant pen clicking, turning of pages, and chatter filled the room. I couldn't concentrate.

A pile of papers were placed in front of me, about three or four pages of English class work. This was all absent work. Even if I only missed about a day, it seemed like I missed a whole week.

I couldn't get up yesterday morning, and not because it was school, but because I just didn't feel like it. I couldn't get myself to open my eyes. When I finally did, I couldn't get myself to turn off my alarm. It felt like I was frozen in place, like I didn't have a choice if I wanted to get up or not.

And then I started thinking about Blair, which made it even worse.

Blair. The brown eyed, short haired, girl. The girl that didn't even know I went to her school until after she ran me over– the girl I love.

Why is it so hard to let go? Why is it so hard to let her go?

"Sammy, what'd you get for number three?" Nat asked me.

I ignored him, as what I've been doing for the past few days.

"Never mind. Jamie, what'd you get?"

Did Blair even tell Jamie? Scarlett?

I looked over at Jamie. She looked like how she looked everyday. Eyes on the board, one earphone in, and a smile planted on her face.

Of course she told her best friends before me.

The bell rang and everyone slowly got up, packed their stuff, and left. As of I– I stood still.

Jamie zipped up her bag and began to walk towards the door. She would've been half way there− if I didn't grab her arm.

"Did Blair tell you she was moving?" I asked, hoping she would give me a straight answer.

"Yes," Jamie sighed. "I'm sorry, Sam−"

"Then why do you look like it doesn't matter?" I furrowed my eyes. "You're acting like its no big deal! It's like it doesn't even matter!"

Jamie stayed silent, waiting for me to say more. I wanted to, but I just decided not to.

"It only hurts more for you because you're in love with her."

I felt a lump in my throat, it was true. It hurt a thousand times more. If I was just Blair's friend, it would be different. It would be easier. It would've been better.

"If you want her to stay so badly then maybe you should try to convince her."

Jamie walked away, her chin held low and her books almost slipping from her arms.

Blair's Point Of View

"Have fun in Australia, thinking about running with the Kangaroos?"

I laughed at the terrible joke my Physics teacher made. Today was my last official day of school. I had to return all my books and finished up a couple of assignments. Good thing I was leaving at the end of quarter, it seemed much easier for my academics.

Much easier, I thought to myself. I wish.

I haven't told anyone else− besides my friends , teachers, and Sammy− about where I was moving to but it seemed like everyone was finding out. They assumed I was going to move down to West Seattle or O'Dea Highschool. For the past two days, I kept receiving letters, gifts, and my biology class even threw me a little party. Multiple letters were shoved into my backpack pocket, and gifts were still in my locker. You'd expect me to the happiest person on earth, having all these people care and cry for me.

But I wasn't.

And I didn't care who gave me a three paged essay about how much they would missed me, or a teddy bear holding a chocolate.

If it wasn't from Sammy, I didn't care.

Out of all the jumbled up papers in my bag, not one was from him.

It was a sting− or maybe a bullet− to the heart. I expected Sammy to stay with me until I left, try to spend our last moments together.  Or maybe I expect too much.

I missed him, I still do. And I was going to go find him right now. Suddenly, tears filled my eyes. I stopped in the middle of the empty hallway, looking down at the ground.

If I was missing Sammy right now, when we're in the same place, how can I survive with him being across the whole world?

I clenched my jaw. Stop crying, you did this three times yesterday. I took a deep breath and began to walk, but someone pulled me back. They grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back and resting their chin on my head.

Again, the tears began to fill my eyes and I immediately hugged the person back. I didn't have to look up, or pull away to see their face, because I already knew who it was.

Sammy's Point Of View

Holding onto to Blair was like holding onto your life, not wanting to let go. As soon as she wrapped her arms around me, a tear fell from my eye.

For the next few minutes, we just stood there. Not wanting to go to class, and not wanting to pull away. We just stood there, enjoying the presence of each other.

Why did it hurt so much to let go of Blair?

Because I was madly in love with her, and I can't live without her.

𝘐 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 (𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 ) | 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥Where stories live. Discover now