(NSFW!) Bob x reader

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Requested by ms_addy


Bob x reader. Reader is gender neutral keep that in mind :)

Reader works with Bob at boys&grills and it turns spicy.

You can still remember the day you worked with a killer as you stood in front of the restaurant.

It was a dark gloomy day, there was barely any people around and there was nothing to do instead of standing there bored. You tried to keep yourself busy by cleaning the tables but you already did that about 3 times already.

Slowly tapping your fingers on the counter waiting for someone to come in and place an order. Soon enough you got tried of wait and went to go see how Bob was doing, due to him being al alone in the neat room making burger patties.
You opened the door the see Bob still making patties. You slowly walked up to him trying your best to be quiet and try to scary him.
Once you were behind you loudly said boo! And jabbed his sides attempting to get a good scary out of him.

Bob jumped and dropped the pattie he was making on the table. You laughed saying that you scared him so bad and how sneaky you were about it. Bob just looked at you as he  chuckled a little from your ur self praising.

Once you settled down from the laugher, Bob was eyeing you up and down and opening his mouth to ask you a question. " Hey (NAME) what are you doing down here aren't you supposed to be at the cashier?" Hey said tilting his head while asking.
" Oh no one was coming inside of the restaurant, I think they are all to busy buying candy and decorations so I came down here to both you." You said making eye contact with you.
    Bob replied with a "oh" and looking down at the ground. Bob was why being with you due to him having a crush on you and you knew about his little crush you wanted to confront him about it and ask him out but you didn't want to embarrass the guy so you kept it to yourself.

Well the past is in the past am I right.

You mentally said to yourself when you looked at the closed down due about what happened there, all you remember that Bob was arrested they didn't tell you why tough it was a mystery to you.
  You walked down the sidewalk as the wind
Blew making your hair move slightly by the wind.
As you were in front of your house you took out the keys and opened your door. You looked outside to see kids trick or treating, you saw a red figure that was making eye contact with you. Your eyes widen when you saw the red guy and you immediately closed your door and locked you doors, windows anything that can locked.

You ran to your phone an Dial Lila, as you panicky dial her number you looked outside to not see him standing at the the spot you last saw him there, that freaked you out knowing that he might try to get in your house. " Hey ( NAME) why are you calling??" Lila asked " hey y-you know that red guy who attacked you a long time ago...?" You said shaking while you said that. " Err oh yeah that demon guy I remember him why are you asking that ( NAME)??? Hello.... (NAME) Lila said wait for you response.

You froze as you saw that y'all red guy in front of you holding the phone wire and cutting it in half.
You tremble at his presence and he like that he loves seeing you submissive in front of him.
  He walked up to you pinning you at the corner of the wall. "Err he--- hey did you know it's spooky month hehe." You said doing the spooky month dance and stopped. He froze and did the dance for 5 seconds and went walking towards you.
   You were faced to faced with him as he lower his head down to you neck and pushing himself on to you. You felt his heavy breath on your neck soon you felt his hands wrapped around you pulling you more closer.

He kissed you neck softly and nibbling you neck as well. You legs felt weak when did that, slightly you moans slipped out of your mouth. You put your hand over your mouth as he continued on kissing you neck. He stopped asking you if was ok for him to do this to you. ( He may be a killer but at least he asks for consent on the devil's tango 😎)

You whispered a to him and he pushed you to the ground and climbed on top of you kissing you roughly when he did that. His tough went inside of your mouth as he explored your mouth. This made you weak by a second as you put your hands on the back of his head pushing him deep into the kiss. Soon then he pulled away breathing and tugging you pants hinting you if he could take them off. You nodded and be began to pull you pants of and your ( I not typing that in if yk yk.) And placing his tough on your private part slow licking/sucking you moaned due to the pleasure and quickly covered you mouth with your hand.
He started to increase his speed making you and shaky, submissive, moaning mess and he loved it.

You legs trembled and trying to close them due to how close you are and he took hint that you were close. He went faster on you holding your legs open for him to move faster. You moaned loudly when you cumed all over his mouth, he took off his tough from you private part licking around his mouth clean. He panted heavily while making eye contact with you, you slowly closed you closed your eyes drifting to sleep making you see all dark.

Once you woke up Lila was in front of you trying to wake you up as the cops were looking around you house.
( Don't worry he put your pants back on)
You looked around ask Lila what happened as she rambled on how you called her all sacred saying the big red that you saw him outside.
You looked around you telling Lila that you are ok and that nothing happened to you well something did happen to you but let's keep that to yourself.


Ok to be honest that was my first smut I ever made so if it came out trashy i am sorry about that. Also sorry if the whole story was off topic but hey I finished about to in 50(?) Minutes.

Anyways bye.

Bob velseb x Gender Neutral reader (MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now