(NSFW!) Bob x cult reader

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They're both in the same cult.

The cult meeting started right now at midnight. The members are discussing what to do to get the police off their back. You sat there looking at your members fighting in what they should do and how to stop the police.
You decided to get up and walk out of the meeting, you walked around the abandoned house you guys were in. You undid your mask? Clothing mask? You didn't know what to call it.
Once you did that the cold air it your face cooling down your body.
" Ya shouldn't be out of the meeting ya know" a southern accent called out from the hallway. You turned around to see a guy with a demon mask and horns or was it a horn with a removable mask well it's like you can't see in the dark. " Ermm I wanted to undo my clothing mask it was getting hot hehehe ya know what I mean?" You said awkwardly to the tall man giving you a wided smile and wided eyes. " Well heheh I guess I should go back to the meeting right now." You turned around and you felt a hand on your shoulder. The hand turned you around and you were facing demon guy.
" I don't think we ever meet before??" The tall masked male said leaning down to your height.( If you tall he is looking up at you.)
" Ermm no sir I don't think soo, but I won't mind if we got to know each other after the meeting??" You said nervously looking at the walls,floor, and ceiling anything but not looking at him. " I'll be glad to get to know you." He grabbed you arm and lead you towards a room to talk in. Your face went red due to how he said it, it was like he said it in a secuditve tone was he trying to flirt with you or did he really mean doesn't matter anyway.
You guys went inside of a room and started talking, you guys probably talked for like 3-40 minutes. You guys had some interest you both shared like the same band, favorite song, the food you hate the most.
Until something happened or well like someone started it. Bob climbed on top of you and started to make out with you ( Ong bro this is awkward for me to write.) It was soft and gentle u til it got heated. "Hmrr what we're not supposed to do this we will get into trouble."
" Not if we're quiet." Bob said and went back to making out with you it lasted about 10-15 minutes. It was escalating to to something more. " Wait shh I hear foot steps quick pretend we're doing something other than this." You panicked telling Bob. Bob put a hand over you mouth trying to calm you down" shh they are going to find us if you keep making more sounds." Bob said whispering to you and looked at the door.
He heard someone turning the handle, you looked at his face to see a "oh shit" expression Bob got off of you and sat on the bed making it look it you guys were talking.
" Hey we been looking for you both, the meeting is over and we started playing uno you guys want to join?!" The cult member said looking at both of you. " Err yes Me and um Bob were just talking about uno right now aren't we Bob." You said putting a goofy smile. Bob agreed and turned to the person talking. " Well hurry up were all ready starting the game." You guys got up and went out of the room and went to go play uno.

" I told you I heard someone."
" Shut up or they are goi g to find out."

Requested by _gore_lover_
I hoped this is what you wanted I tried doi g your advice and I think I did it. I hope I didn't do the opposite.

Bob velseb x Gender Neutral reader (MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now