Pocky game Carl Grimes

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(A/n: let's make the Pocky flavour Cookies and cream cause that's my fav how about yours.

I'm also making this because I hardly see any oneshots of Carl Grimes from TWD oneshots books I've read.)

I was really Nervous Because it was my turn to spin the Pocky around.

And there where only two boys and that's Carl and Ron but I'm really Nervous it's going to land on Carl Because I've had a crush on him for ages.

But I also just found out recently found out that Enid likes him too so I have no chance anymore.

And I could tell he liked her as well because of the way he looks at her when i'm working on the garden.

It went around and around and then it started to slow down and it landed on Carl.

My eyes widened but then I see him pick it up and open it and grabs one out he then gives me a smile.

And he then stands up and then holds out a hand for me which I take.

And he helps me up and then we go to the church and sit down he puts the biscuit side in his mouth.

And I put the flavour side in mine and I taste it a bit and it tastes like cookies and cream my fav flavour.

I then look into his eyes and I see his cheeks glow a bit pink same with mine we then hear some random boy saying.

Random boy: ready set go.

Y/n's pov: we both bite down but we stop once there's only a tiny bit left.

I take another bite and so does Carl and now our lips are a few inches away.

I can feel my face get even more red and before I knew it we where both fighting for it.

And our lips where touching and moving in sync together and I felt him actually kiss me with real passion.

But the others couldn't tell but I could feel Enid give me a death state and burning holes.

in the back of my head but I pushed it off and started to kiss him back but then we both ran out of breath so we both pull away.

From each other And our faces are really red but the thing is we kinda both got small pieces.

of the Pocky in our mouths because we had a makeout session.

Ron: so who won?

Y/n's pov: me and Carl both show that we both have a Piece in our mouths.

Enid and Ron: they both have a piece so that means.

Random boy: it's a tie with both of them anyway we still have some left let's continue the game.

Y/n's pov: I go to sit back in the chicle with the others because I already know Enid's going to start something.

With me because I got Carl but I end up getting pulled down onto someone's lap I turn to see.

I'm on Carl's lap I then blush and he doesn't.

Enid: hey Carl come join in again.

Carl: sorry it's a no I'm alright were I am right now and I can't cheat on my girlfriend.

Enid: what do you mean girlfriend Carl?

Carl: y/n is my girlfriend since we kissed and all can't go and kiss another girl.

Y/n's pov: I blush even  more dark red and then I feel Carl kiss my neck and then move up to my cheek.

Enid: oh I didn't know you where dating her but why her though Carl?

Carl: because I've known her longer then all of yous.

and I've always had a Crush on her and now we kissed so she's mine and I'm hers.

And I'm not charging that one bit I like this relationship I'm in with her.

Enid: oh.

Carl: anyway we're going to leave so we can catch up see ya.

Y/n's pov: Carl stands up but he takes me along. with him in a bridal style Carry and he heads out the door.

He then walks all the way to his house and takes me up. to his bedroom and opens the door then closes.

It with his foot and then puts me on The bed and sits down right next to me.

Y/n: Carl.

Carl: yeah?

Y/n: why did you say all that back there?

Carl: it's all true I've always liked you but always got to scared you'll not feel the same and then  I'll lose you.

And I didn't want that so I never told you until this night and besides I don't want others boys kissing what's mine.

Y/n: is that so.

Carl: yes it is.

Y/n's pov: he then starts kissing me and then it gets heated up and.

(A/n: I'll let yous imagine what happens next or what Yous want to happen.;)

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