"It hurts"

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🛑waning: angst,swearing🛑

Y/n's pov: Me Carl and the others where on a run we got the things we needed.

And was about to leave the store when we heard glass brake we look and see walkers.

Have broken through the glass doors we then head to the exit close to us.

And when I was about to go though it I get cut by the glass and I look down to see a big chunk of glass.

Stuck into the side of my hip I pull it out but I feel more in there and a big pice that.

Was stuck broke off I didn't worry much cause we needed to go.

So I kept walking and running until we get to the woods I then slow down.

Cause I feel blood going down my side and I life it up to see.

It's gotten all purple and puffy and see pus coming out of it.

Fuck it must of had something on it and it doesn't help with still chucks of it still in me.

I see the others up a head but they get all blurry to see probable I then start to run again.

But I stop mid way and hold my side cause of the pain and I then feel wobbly.

And I the fall on a tree near by I then slid down it and still hold my side.

I life my hand up to see it's covered in blood and put it back on my wound then I then just sit there.

And feel my eyes get heavy I was about to close my eyes someone comes up to me.

And says.

Carl: come on y/n we can't stay here!?

Y/n: just go Carl.

Carl: come on I'm not leaving you here.

Y/n: you have too just go it's too late for me.

Carl: what do you mean y/n your fine.

Y/n: no I'm not.

Y/n's pov: my vision gets a bit batter cause of how close he is to me.

I then lift my hand off my wound and he sees the blood and his eyes widened.

Carl: what happened?

Y/n: I got a piece of the glass from the window that we had to exit out of.

Carl: well let me help you then let's take you home to get fixed up.

Y/n: we can try.

Y/n's pov: he helps me up I was about to take a step until I fell back down onto ground and layed back down on the tree.

Y/n: I can't walk it Hurts too much Carl just go I'll be fine.

Carl: come on don't make me do this y/n.

Y/n: go home I'll meet you there once I can walk ok just go. The others are probably looking for you right now?

Carl: no there not I told them to head back and I'll meet them at home.

Cause I said no was going to look for you.

Y/n: Carl Grimes you now when I'm not there it means that I won't you to leave.

Carl: I can't leave you you mean to much to me y/n.

Y/n: of cause always the stubborn Carl Grimes.

Carl's pov: I then lift her up in bridal style and start making my way back home.

Once we where nearly there I feel her body get colder and colder. I stopped at a packed car out on the road.

And placed her down on the set and looked at her. I was trying to find a pulse but it was no longer there.

Carl: no come on don't leave me like this y/n I need you come on don't go!

Carl's pov: I then saw her hands move and then. I looked up to her and I looked at her face.

And her eyes where opening slowly until they fully. opened only for me to see her beautiful colourful eyes.

Dull and where lifeless with nothing in them. I then back away when I saw it she became one.

Of those thing's she never wanted to become I look away because it shatters my heart cause it means.

I have to kill her and I don't want to she was the best thing. I had left in this  world and it gets taken from me.

Carl: come on don't do this I can't kill you I don't want to lose you come back to me.

Carl's pov: but my pleads never Baring back the one. I loved most cause she was gone.

And I never got to tell her how I felt about her and. now it's too late she then starts to come closer and closer.

To me until she's nearly at my face she then jumps at me but. I don't get enough time to move so now she's on top of me trying to bite me.

I move my head to the side so I don't see her face.I grab my knife and I hesitate to kill her once I look at her once more.

And I feel tears going down my face my hands moving non stop and shaking.

I then drop my knife and was about to give up and let her take me with her but.

She gets shot in the head and falls on the side of me. I then sit up and get on top of her and hold her face in my hands.

Carl: no no no no y/n!?

Rick: you ok!

Carl: no I'm not ok you just killed the only person. I loved more then a fucking friend and now she's gone and I can't join her.

Rick: I know how much she met to you but your not become one of those things.

Carl: who said it was your choice to make it was mine and. I was going to join her.

Rick: it is my choice cause I'm your father so you are not become one of them.

Even if you wanted to join her would she want that!?

Carl: I don't care I just wanted her to be with me and she can't because you killed her!

Rick: that wasn't her that was a walker Carl not her.

Carl: it was her cause it had her eyes.

Rick: just get back to camp I don't want to deal with this right now Carl!

Carl's pov: I get up and pick her body up and  start to walk camp.

Rick: what are you doing with her body Carl?

Carl: I'm going to bury it not just leave it here to get fucking. hit by cars and other shit like that!

*Few weeks later*

Carl's pov: I visit her grave everyday and place new flowers and talk about how. my life is well though her and that it's never going to be happy and all that cause she's gone.

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