The love that never lasted

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Y/n's pov: me and Carl where out in the woods because. we had to get away from the safe place we called our new home.

It got taken by walkers and bad people with guns shooting at us few of the bullets.

Hit me but I didn't tell Carl cause he already. has enough to worry about like were his sister is.

So I haven't told him I've kept the blood from showing. by tieing one of my shirts around it.

I got hit in one of my thighs but I covered that one with my gun strap.

Then I got hit in the stomach and it's the one that has my shirt wrapped around it.

I also got hit in the shoulder too but my bags covering it.

That's all the wounds I have I know I won't last long but I just couldn't tell him.

He was so happy once we got together and. he said we'll be together until we both die.

But I won't be able to do it with him so I'll hold on for as long as I can.

I get a bit tired and I stop and chough a bit and Carl comes rushing towards me.

Carl: you ok N/n?

Y/n: yeah I'm fine I think the smoke from the safe. place finally got to me ha.

Carl: true you did get a lot in your mouth when I finally found you.

Y/n: yeah anyway let's go.

Carl: no you look like your getting sick y/n your white as a ghost.

Maybe we can stop a bit for you to get a brake yeah?

Y/n: always care for people Carl Grimes.

Carl: well that's me.

Y/n: ha

Carl: ok no more talking for you K.

Y/n: ok.

Carl: what did I say.

Y/n's pov: I smile and lay my head on his shoulder and I sit there for a bit.

I then get up after a few seconds and stand back up which fucking hurts like hell.

Once I'm up I feel a bit light headed but I get over it. I then see Carl starting to stand.

Once he's up I see blood on the tree on the place I was sitting down at.

I then block it so he can't see but I did it a bit fast.

Cause I see he raised one of his eyebrows up I then smile.

Carl: why did you move so quick to get near the tree!?

Y/n: it was nothing I thought I saw a walker sorry.

Carl: ok anyway you go in front so I can chach up with you.

Y/n: umm ok.

Carl's pov: once I got her to move away from the tree. I look back and see a blood Stan on it.

That wasn't there before I then look back at her and see her holding her side.

Carl: hey y/n why are you holding your side for?

Y/n: oh just a bit hungry that's all.

Carl: no it's not your hurt aren't you cause. I see a blood Stan on the tree were we sit at.

And you covers it up why if it's a cut you should let me see it.

Y/n: no no I'm fine just a little cut that's all we have. to find the others right now worry about my cut later.

Carl: I don't think so show me now y/n!

Y/n: it's Fine really let's just go.

Y/n's pov: I try to walk away but I feel him grab my arm and lift my shirt up and his eyes widened from.

What he saw my shirt soaked in blood he then unwraps. it and he then starts to get tears In his eyes.

Y/n: I'm fine see nothing to worry about.

Carl: your not fine you have been shot and your bleeding out and we haven't stopped walking.

That's even worse for your wound why didn't you tell me.

You know I don't want to lose you but you never told me you got shot.

Y/n: cause I didn't want you to worry about me. when you had other things to worry about.

I didn't want to over worry you.

Carl: I would have been fine is it the only one or is there more.

Y/n: ummmm yeah that's it no more.

Carl: lier show me them now!

Y/n's pov: I undo my strap for my gun and undo. the bandage and his eyes widened again from seeing the other bullet wound.

I then take my bag off but I whine in pain cause of my shoulder wound.

I then undo that one as well and I look back at him. and see tears going down his face non stop.

I then see him go to his knees I then go down with. him and hug him even though I know he'll have blood on him now.

I feel him hold onto me tight and I feel his tears soaked. my shirt that's already nearly full of my blood.

I then smile and cry a bit cause I know I won't be able to make it to the next safe place.

I might end up turning before I ever make it there.

Y/n: I'm fine let's go so that we might find the others. and I can get fixed up yeah.

Carl: I don't want to lose you N/n your the only other thing that's made me happy.

In this world I can't lose you neither can Judith we need you.

Y/n: Yous don't need me Yous can make it there. without me like before we ever met you were a fucking badass.

Took me like I don't know maybe 3 weeks to finally get you to talk to me.

Carl: it did not it only was one week cause. I was trying to keep you away from me so I don't fucking kiss you.

Y/n: ha well I guess I should have told you about my little crush on you back then.

Y/n's pov: I laugh but then I hiss in pain from my wounds and lean on a tree.

And I see Carl pulling at his hair I smile weakly at him.

Y/n: Carl it's ok just go find your sister for me ok.

Carl: but what about you!?

Y/n: it's a bit too late for me Carl I've lost too much blood. I'm sorry but your gonna have to go without me.

Y/n's pov: and before I knew it I was gone.

Carl's pov: I see y/n close her eyes I then rush over to her and shake her but she doesn't wake up.

And that's when I knew that she was gone and not coming back the same.

So I grab my knife and I go to stap her but my hands are shaking.

So I place it down and let my tears all come down and I then lean in and give her a kiss on the lips and then.

I stabbed her in the head and I cried until I got found by my dad and that was it.

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