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Recap: Peighton figures out her parents were alive the entire time and it becomes a surprise to her when she sees that they came home.
"You guys what?" Michonne says nearly choking on her water. "We killed two walkers .. which happened to be their parents." Carl states proudly, I smile and nod my head rapidly smiling the cheesiest I can plaster on my face. Keaton steps forward, "I told them not to open the closet." He puts his hands up in surrender.

I slap his arm, "you did not!" he sighs, then chuckles. "You got me."

I smile and yawn, "I'm tired now." Rick nods, "It's about 1(pm) right now. You should probably go have a nap we need lots of rest for the journey back to our temporary home tomorrow."

"Alright. See you guys at supper." I wave and shuffle out of the kitchen.

I make my way up the stairs and hear someone coming behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Carl and Keaton talking about something and Liam is kind of trailing behind. I should probably talk to Keaton about that, it's not very fair for Liam to be left out after he's lost his entire family.

I slip into 'my room' and go lay down on the bed. It still has a slight smell of laundry detergent on it. And it smells so clean.

Seeing I haven't had a shower in like a week since I found that miniature waterfall in the woods. It was weird, the water was fresh and it felt amazing. If only they didn't cut out the power and water lines. Life would have been alot easier that way.

I yawn and take off my boots and weapon belt. I go up to the mirror on the wall and pull my hair out of it's very messy ponytail. I notice a brush and see blonde hair tangled up in it. Ew.

I pull the hair off and brush my hair out. I would probably change into some pajamas, but I better keep this stuff on just in case of an immediate exit.

I sigh, and crawl into the bed. I pull the covers over my body and curl up.


I wake up suddenly to the sound of a gunshot. My heart is pounding. But I know exactly what's going on.

I look out the bedroom window and see about 4 walkers stumble towards our house. Numerous gunshots go off.

I rush over and put my shoes and weapon belt back on. I pull out my gun, and make my way down the stairs.

Rick sees me first, "Go grab your stuff and meet everyone in the backyard."

I run to the front door and fling my backpack over my shoulders. I run into the backyard and see everyone crowded.

I run to Liam first, hugging him super tight. I pull away a bit and peck him on the cheek.

I grab his hand and see Rick charge out of the house. "Run! Stay together and follow me, no one i repeat, NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND."

I do my little skip and start running. We run and run until the house is out of sight, I sit down on a rock and try to catch my breath.

They all stop running and sit down, Liam is almost hyperventilating and I go and sit beside him and put my arm around him, he does the same and I rest my head on his shoulder. His breathing goes back to normal.

I stand up and put my backpack back on, Carl stands up next and sets his gun back into the holder. We all get up and start walking to our temporary home. It will be about one hour to find a car and .. oh look, a car.

Rick goes over to it and opens the door, he hotwires it and it starts up. "Carl and Keaton, can you guys go look for some gas?" Rick announces looking through the hood of the car. They nod and jog off to go look for some gas.

"What about us?" I ask, stepping forward. "Well .. you guys aren't very important so stay out of the way, would you?" He says, tears fill my eyes.

I turn around and run, run as far as I can. I hear footsteps behind me, and I start to sprint. Dropping my bag and beginning to slow down, seeing I'm not a very active person.

I stop and sit on the ground, I start crying and curl myself up into a ball.

The footsteps behind me stopped at least 1 minute ago.

Right when I thought I found a new family .. They say I'm not very important. I pull my gun out.

No Peighton, you're smarter than that. Don't.

I'm now balling my eyes out, a fully loaded gun on my lap, and lost in my thinking.

I lift up the gun. It's time.

I put it up to my head, trying not to shake. My hand is shaking and my lip is quivering. C'mon Peighton, now isn't the time.

I put my finger on the trigger.

"Peighton. Don't. You. Dare." I hear behind me, turning around to see Carl. I drop the gun on the ground and run over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry into his shoulder. Exactly the person I wanted to see.

"What the hell was that?!" He raises his voice at me, "Why the f*ck would you even think of doing that?"

My throat tightens and before I know it I push away from him, my voice raises. "You should try losing your parents, than, shortly after losing you brother, than, living with 10 different other people and having to watch them die right in front of you, than, finding another 'family' that you thought you had a chance with because they knew what they were doing, than finally, being called useless!" I burst out crying, "I t-think I'm actually pretty good with my s-skills!"

He comes over to me suddenly and wraps his protective arms around me. "I'm sorry." He says and then kisses my forehead, "I'm sorry."

I look up at him and he looks straight into my eyes. He leans in, and I do too.

Before I know it our lips are just barely touching. He makes the final move and puts his lips on mine. I put my arms around his neck and enjoy the moment.

My first kiss.

My mind goes back to it's original state and I pull away. "Woah." He says, "I don't even kno-" I cut him off my putting my lips to his, again. I smile and pull away, "I've been waiting forever to do that."


Hey guys ... that was an interesting chapter. Wasn't it? Haha.

So, some of you guys wanted it. So there you have it. See you guys Thursday. <3


Teaser: Interesting things happen back at the prison, including meeting another 'boy.' Who seems to have an interest in Peighton.

Update: Thursday (:

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