t h i r t e e n

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Recap: Peighton and Carl go back into the treehouse to catch up on some sleeping.


❁ Peighton LeBlanc ❁

It's about 3am and I am restless. For some reason I can't get Liam off my mind, and I wanna go for a walk but if something happened to me like, if I got kidnapped or killed by a walker nobody would know.

I would read at a time like this, but Keaton hid all my books. Carl was completely pissed off at him and didn't talk to him for at least half hour.

I sit in the darkness with my heart pounding, I feel scared to be the only one up. Especially with what happened before.

"You up P?" I hear and I nod, "Yeah."



I go and lay beside Carl, and he puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I look up and he kisses my lips, and leans in for more.

He leans over top of me and lays me down on my back as he's towering over me with both hands on either side of my head. He leans down and kisses me passionately, I return and he goes down on his elbows, kissing my neck and it sends tingles down my body and I giggle and push him away.

I see him smile in the moonlight. "Keaton and Alex went onto the roof awhile ago." I smile, "It's about time. They've been annoying since we got down here."

He sits on my stomache and put his hands above my hipbones.

He starts tickling me and I laugh, "Carl!!! Stoppppp!!!"

Finally he stops, "It makes you 100% cuter when you laugh."

I blush, which luckily he can't see in the moonlight. I sit up and he follows, he goes and lays down on his sleeping bag and I curl up next to him with my head on his stomach.

"Peighton?" He says, "Yeah?"

"Um, will you be my girlfriend?"

"No." I say.

"Oh ok..." He drifts off, "Just kidding, of course I will." I say and kiss him on the lips.

"So you're my girlfriend now." He says for the millionth time, "Yes Carl! Now get some sleep."

"Goodnight girlfriend."

"Goodnight Boyfriend." I give in.


I wake up to someone kissing me on the cheek then on the lips, I roll over and open my eyes expecting to see Carl.

But no, this time I see a little puppy, wagging it's tail like there's no tomorrow. When it sees me it backs away and stops looking over me carefully.

I sit up, "Come here little guy." I whisper, and it inches towards me.

I take out a piece of beef jerky and give it to the puppy, he eats it carefully and watches me. I smile, "What. Is. That." I hear and turn my head to see Carl looking at the pup.

"A Puppy." I say, "It must've had a mom which probably fed on the mice all these years."

He reaches over and pets it nicely, "What's it's name?"

"Maxwell" I say, "Maxwell Liam LeBlanc."

Maxwell finishes off his breakfast and looks at me, but then comes and lays beside me resting his head on my knee. It looks like a husky and german shepard combined, with one brown eye, and one blue.

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