t w e n t y - s i x

15 0 0

Recap: Peighton and Carl find Jake and Hannah they drive to a friendly neighbourhood, where they meet others.

Song; Company - Justin Bieber


I sigh, "Keaton. I regret it, I know it was a bad decision and it'll never happen again."

He pulls me in for a hug and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I thought you died," I murmur and tears start to run down my cheeks. "Hey, P. Calm down, I won't be going anywhere. Just because we lost Caleb doesn't mean anything he's 16."

"I miss Caleb, and Liam." I whisper and he nods, "Caleb was a good brother."

We pull away and the doorbell rings, I laugh, "That's a first." Keaton chuckles, "Race you to the door!" He sprints out of the room and down the stairs to the front door. I lazily get up and try to catch up to him which is no use.

I see him at the door and go to jump on his back, I take him by surprise and his legs give out and he falls to the ground. I look up to see a familiar face, with a shocked expression on his face. It takes me a second to realize he kind of looks like me.

"Peighton Kendra May LeBlanc," the older boy breathes. Keaton pushes me off and looks up. "Oh my god, Caleb." He shakes as he stands up.

It's Caleb.

I jump up and Caleb sets the laundry basket down before opening his arms for me and Keaton. "You guys look so much alike," he says when we let him go.

Me and Keaton look at each other and I brush a piece of hair behind my ear, "We're twins, I'd hope so." I chuckle and Keaton swings an arm around me. "Come in, man. We need to catch up."

I pick up the laundry basket full of clean sheets and towels and bring them upstairs, closing the door behind me.

I head to my new room and drop the basket next to my box of stuff. I open up the makeup bag to see many makeup products with a note attached.

To Peighton,
        We have received news from Carl Grimes that you did not live the childhood or first teenage years the way you had always wished, coming from a broken family. We are always open to help you out with any "girl issues" you are having, come to house #134 to talk or if you'd like help with these necessities.

Sincerely, Emily.

I slowly set down the letter and pull out some makeup. I pick up the little bag and bring it to the bathroom, after a couple tries I am satisfied with the "natural" makeup look and put everything back into the bag.

I go back over to the laundry basket and pull out a white lace dress and white sandals. I look over the dress a few times before replacing the dress with a white lace top and jeans. And I grab my black vans and slip them on instead and pull a black hoodie over my white top.

I tie my brown hair into a loose braid and take a look in the mirror, tucking my gun into my waistband before walking downstairs to Carl, Jake, Caleb and Keaton sitting on the couches talking.

I slip down the stairs quiet enough so they don't notice me and crouch behind a pillar in the doorway. "She's definitely not weak, Caleb." Keaton sighs, "She's taken out a group of 15 walkers by herself."

"What happened to our innocent little sister we'd annoy before the bus came at the bus stop?" Caleb chuckles, "Let's not think of the past," Keaton mumbles.

"How about the hottie, Hannah huh? How old is she?" Caleb says suddenly. "16, and too young for you," Jake snaps. "But I'm 16," Caleb chuckles.

Carl chuckles, "She's way out of your league. Trust me."

"And my little sister is in yours?" Caleb sneers, "Besides, she's dating Jake. Don't look her up and down like she's some model on a runway.. she's taken."

"Caleb, calm down." Jake snaps, "They're bestfriends. And I trust her enough, she'd never do anything to hurt me."

I don't realize I'm crying until a tear slips and falls on the floor. I sigh and wipe my eyes, backing up slowly up the stairs and then walk down as if I didn't hear a thing.

Carl's head is the first to snap up and I walk into the living room with a smile. I sit on the arm of the couch that Jake's sitting in. His arm snakes around my waist and they all continue talking about the "sick new car Daryl brought in."

I hear a knock on the door and get up to and get it. Alex and Hannah are standing there, their hair curly and both with dresses on. "Woah, where'd you get the makeup?" Alex questions, I shrug. "I found it."

Caleb and Keaton both come up behind me, Carl and Jake following behind. "Where are we going?" Jake asks.

"We were thinking of visiting the pond, I haven't seen one in awhile." Hannah shrugs, and before we know it, all of us are out of the house exploring the huge property.

Jake has his arm around me as we walk, and Carl would send us a glare here and there. C'mon Carl, you're gonna give us away. "Um, I'm gonna go back to the house for a sec I forgot something," I mumble to Jake and pull away, "Everything good?"

I nod, "Yeah! I just need some-uh– Air." I say quickly and rush off. Jake shrugs and turns back to the group, and I grab Carl and drag him off with me.

"Woah, hey." He says stumbling and jogging to keep up with me. "What's going on?" I pull him to the nearest house side and shove him against it.

"Ow, what's your pro-" I smash my lips to his and he seems taken aback but then kisses back.

I pull away and sigh, "If we're doing this we have to keep it away from Jake." I spin on my heel and march off, half-smiling, half-mad.


Sorry for the late update guys, I'll update ASAP.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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