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Recap: Does 'first kiss' ring a bell?

He pulled away, "We should probably head back." I nod. Picking up my gun, putting it back into place.

I can't believe what just happened, as we're heading back Carl trips over my backpack and I can't stop laughing, I fall on the ground putting my arm around my stomach. "Okay, okay. I get the point." Carl laughs.

I sigh, "it feels good to laugh for real."I grab Carl's hand and he pulls me up. I pick up my backpack an put the straps onto my shoulders, Carl takes it. "Here let me take it."

I reluctantly give it to him, and he puts it on. We walk for about 10 minutes when I see Liam and Keaton. When they see me, they run and Keaton hugs me. "I thought I lost you, again." He whispers.

I single tear drips down my cheek. I hug him tighter, "I know I never ever let you know this, but I love you." He smiles and nods, "I love you too P."

He lets go and I smile. I go over to Liam and hug him too, then back to Carl. I put my arm around his waist and he does the same.

"We should probably go tell Rick and Michonne we found you." Liam says, Carl nods, "C'mon lets go."


I crawl into the car and notice there are three different rows. I make my way to the very back and sit down, buckling my seat belt. Carl comes and sits beside me.

Keaton sits in the seat in front of Carl and Liam sits in front of me.

Michonne and Rick are up front. "Okay guys, we will be driving for about 8 hours. So get comfy." Michonne says, and then turns around and rests her feet on the dash.

Carl looks at me, right into my eyes. I smile, and lean in but immediately he puts his lips on mine. I pull away and see everyone staring at us.

Oh poop.

I lean my head on the window and close my eyes. Carl interlocks our fingers and I open my eyes. I look over and see him leaning his head on the window and his eyes are closed. I shrug, and do the same.


I wake up the the noise of a big bang.

Wow, that's the second time I wake up to something interesting.

Michonne turns back and sees all of us looking at them. "Just a walker, sorry."

We all nod or shrug and go back to sleep, I look over and see Carl still sleeping. Tears are running down his face and he's shaking. I grab his hand and lift it up to kiss it. When I do, he flinches and his nose scrunches up. His eyes open and he sees me holding his hand.

"Nightmare?" I ask, he nods. "I didn't get there in time. Y-you were gone." Ohhhhhhhh. (If you don't get it, it's when she was gonna shoot herself. He said he didn't get there in time and yeah.)

I see a big building in sight, I look closer and see guard towers. What the heck?

"We're here." Rick says, "Finally." Keaton sighs. "Those lovebirds back there are getting really annoying. C'mon Peighton I'll introduce you to Patrick, Lizzie and Hannah. And possibly all the boys."

I unbuckle my seat belt and Carl grabs my hand following me out. "C'mon Liam." We all get out and the first thing I see is a bunch of walkers trying to eat the fence so they can get to us.

I look at Carl, "If they get in, then we'll shoot them all. And also, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to y-" Keaton chuckles and cut him off, "That's my job, nothing will ever happen to you P, don't worry."

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