s i x t e e n

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Recap: Carl kisses Alex, Peighton decides she's had enough.


❁ Peighton LeBlanc ❁

I wake up, laying on top of my covers. Prince's huge cow sized head is on my stomach and he's laying with his belly up to the sky.

I sit up, and Maxwell's eyes shoot open. He's just barely awake, and as soon as he sees I'm awake and safe he falls back asleep. My eyes feel heavy and my throat hurts from crying.

I get up and drag my body down the stairs, seeing everyone in the kitchen eating. Well .. Carl eating and Keaton and Alex eating eachothers faces. Not to mention, Keaton is shirtless.

Looks like they forgave each other already. They all look at me when I come into sight and Alex pushes Keaton off. I open the fridge and grab an apple heading back upstairs.

Collapsing onto my bed and grabbing my book on the table next to my bed, not caring what Keaton thinks.

I open up to the first page, and get bored easily because of the events of yesterday flow into my head and a tear escapes my eye.

I stand up and pick up Maxwell letting his paws hang over my shoulder. He peacefully sleeps as I carry him to my balcony. I set him on the doggy bed from the previous owners and sit on the outdoor couch.

I sit and read my book, this is alot better...

☣ Keaton LeBlanc ☣

I rub my nose against Alex's and hear her giggle and I kiss her softly, hearing a noise come into the kitchen and my eyes open to see Peighton and Alex pushes me off of her.

Peighton glances at us one-by-one and then grabs a apple from the fridge and walks out. "You bitch," I mumble to Carl. He's about to say something, before a knock on the door interrupts him.

I look at Alex and Carl and they both shrug. I grab my gun from the back of the cabinet, holding it in front of me.

I make my way towards the door and listen, before slamming it open to reveal Jake.

"Jake!" A high-pitched voice yells, and Peighton comes running down the stairs. "Peighton!" He yells back and drops his bags as she jumps off the staircase into his arms.

She kisses him on the cheek, and he kisses back setting her down. "I heard about Liam, I'm so sorry."

"What are you doing here?" Carl snaps from behind me. Yeah .. he's never been too fond about Jake.

"I saw the jeep, and the shoes outside the door. I assumed teenagers of some sort would be here, dead or not. It's a nice house, and I saw the electrical generator and water pump. It's an awesome place." He smiles, "Now here I am."

Peighton smiles back, "C'mon. I'll show you my room, you can have a shower and clean up if you want." She grabs his hand and pulls him up the stairs, and I watch as Maxwell sniffs him out and then jumps on him, licking his hands.

Carl looks at me, "You just let him in like that? To Peighton's room?"

I nod, "He's a good kid and I know it. If he tries anything Peighton will go to Alex. Trust me."

Carl storms upstairs into his room and the door slams behind him.


Jake and Peighton come down the stairs together and to the kitchen counter where the rest of us are sitting.

"Where are you going?" Alex asks, looking at them.

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