t w e n t y - t h r e e

26 2 0

Recap: Welcome to the family, Stella.

Song; Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra


Do you just ever sit and think about something for so long until it doesn't even make sense anymore? I do that so many times a day, it's not even funny.

I sit and stare at this little bundle of energy trying to wiggle out of Keaton's grip, I shake her toy to make her look at the camera Carl is holding beside me. "Look here!" I yell which seems to of startled her because she bites Keaton's nose. He yelps and the camera flash goes off.

I snatch the picture that is slowly printing off the bottom, and blow on it so it turns up faster.

Stella's head starts coming into view and then Keaton's screaming face slowly follows. I start laughing and hand the picture to Keaton, who has now put Stella down, He groans. "Damn, that turned out terrible."

"But it's so cute!" I protest, heading over to the cabinet and reach to the back to pick up my notebook. I sit up and wham my head on the counter, "Shit!" I yelp and lay on the floor. I hear Maxwell's paws slap against the floor as he runs over to see if I'm ok.

Carl and Keaton rush over to me, and laugh as Maxwell lays on my chest and licks my face to the death. "You okay, sis?" Keaton chuckles and I nod and lift Maxwell off, getting up and sliding him across the floor.

I brush off my pants and hand Keaton the notebook, "Can I go for a food run?" I ask suddenly and Keaton looks at Carl, "Can you go with her?" He asks and Carl shrugs, "Sure. We'll leave in an hour?" I nod and hug Keaton, "Thank you!"

I skip away and upstairs almost knocking over Jake on the way, "Woah. What're you up to?"

I turn around, "Keaton agreed to let Carl and I go for a food run." He laughs, "Okay. But be careful P, okay?" I nod and lean down to kiss him, "I love you." I mumble as our lips connect and he says it back before pulling away.

"Go get ready, get a couple knives and your pistol. Oh, and here." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a fully loaded cartridge of bullets, he hands it to me. "You forgot this on the counter. I meant to give it to you yesterday." I take it and mumble a 'thank you' before rushing upstairs to change into run-appropriate clothing.

I take a quick shower and wash my hair. Blood covers my hands and runs down my body. I sigh, remembering when I just barely escaped that walker. Scratches run down my right side of my stomach from falling and trying to crawl away.

I shake my head and wash my hair, stepping out and drying off. I look at the now forming bruise on my right hip from the impact and my scratched up face. I sigh, pulling my hair into a ponytail and slipping on a clean pair of jeans and plaid shirt, tucking it in. I wrap my weapon belt around my waist and tighten it up.

I grab a clean pair of socks and my boots. I tighten them and look in the mirror again before rushing off downstairs. I pick up Maxwell and cradle him much like a baby, kissing his nose. He yawns and I set him down and rush into the kitchen.

Carl sits at the counter putting his gun back together and turns around when I walk in. "Ready to go?" He asks, I nod. Maxwell stands up and follows me to the front door, "Maxwell sit. You can't come today."

He lies down and I wave bye to everyone before Carl and I head to the truck. He rushes to the passenger side and opens the door for me, I look at him. His blue eyes glow from the sun and he motions for me to go in, I sigh and jump in and he closes the door for me, laughing.

Alex runs out of the house and hands Carl two backpacks, one being mine. He throws them in the backseat, "You never know, if we get lost or stranded we need survival stuff like clothes and food. You know?"

I nod, buckling up my seat belt and check the backseat, (hah.. Zombieland anyone?) Carl does the same and starts the truck, "Oh my god, really?" I laugh and grab the cd kit and look each one over, noticing only one cd.

Tunes of the 2000's.

I slip out the cd and slip one in, the first song comes on and I recognize the tune easily.

"I know you love me, I know you care. Just shout whenever and I'll be there!" I belt out and Carl groans and tries to yell over the blasting radio. "You're going to attract the walkers!!"

I laugh, "Whatever!"


The song changes as we pull into a deserted town and 'Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra' comes on. And as Sierra's voice comes on, I slowly start to sing.

"Little do you know, how I'm breaking as you fall asleep, little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories, little do you know I'm still trying to pick myself up piece-by-piece. Little do you know I, I need a little more time." I sing quietly, and Carl looks over at me.

"Underneath it all, I'm held captive by the hole inside." I continue and close my eyes to match every note, "I've been holding back from the feeling you might change your mind. I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight. Little do you know I, I need a little more time."

I slowly turn the music down and look up at Carl who has now stopped the truck and is parked on the side of the road. He stares out the windshield, off into the distance, clenching his jaw and his wrist is rested on the top of the steering wheel.

"Carl?" I whisper, he lifts up his head and rubs his face with his hands. He turns his head and looks at me, I blink away the tears in my eyes.

He doesn't feel the same.

I feel him grab my hand, and I snatch it away and wipe the tears in my eyes. Opening the truck door and running into the ditch. I sit on a rock and curl up in a ball, laying my head on my knees.

Arms rap around me, and I close my eyes.

"Little do you know, I, I'll love you till the sun dies." Carl sings in my ear.

The last part of the song.

"I'm so sorry Peighton," he whispers. I wipe my eyes and turn around to catch his eyes looking into mine. I lean forward and press my lips against his, I close my eyes and savour the moment.

I pull away suddenly and look into his eyes, "Jake will never know about this."


I legit almost cried writing this. The song is my absolute favourite song at the moment and I've been feeling so happy recently.

My crush likes me back and now you can say we're "a couple" and it feels as if my depression is suddenly gone. And this book explains my life right now, minus the zombie apocalypse but you know.



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